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Guys this is the second to last chapter!I decided I will be doing a Emma and Hook fanfic after this one but it will be alternate universe. The picture is a picture of my family's puppy Kooper, he is almost 1 year old! Thank you:paigejunge MrsMalfoy141 slytherien_queen GirlxOnlinex Lubnah10 skywriter70 FutureMalfoy DramioneLoverShakey and a bunch of more people!! So I hope you enjoy this chapter!


I walked to the Gryffindor dorm for girls and was bombarded with questions. "Where were you all night?" A girl screamed. "Were you out with a guy?" Someone else asked."Where'd you Go, Hermione Granger?" My best friend Ginny Weasley questioned me rather loudly! "Guys I'm just to tired, forget it ok? I'm going to bed!" I said rubbing my eyelids due to exhaustion.

I went into my bedroom and put on a pair of gray sweats with a loose red shirt and finally laid down on my bed that has Gryffindor sheets along with a Red blanket and a comfortable comforter. I sunk into my bed and found that sleep soon consumed me.

The Next Day

I woke up with my usual bed head and bad breath, sorry I don't wake up like a princess! I got out of bed and walked to my brown wooden closet, I put on the mandatory robes and brushed my hair into a clean bun. I brushed my teeth with spearmint toothpaste. I remembered that Draco's breath smelled like spearmint toothpaste and I smiled thinking about yesterday! Today is Friday and I only have 3 classes, 9:00-10:00 potions with Syltherians, 10:00-11:30 transfiguration with Hufflepuffs, and lastly 12:00-1:00Dark Arts with Syltherians. I head for breakfast since it's 7:30 and breakfast ends at 7:45. Harry

I sit down with Ginny today since I'm still mad at Harry and Ron. I have a banana muffin with a glass of orange juice and then I start to talk to Ginny.We talk about how mean Snape is,how cute a guy from ravenclaw is, and lastly how Harry and Ron can be so stupid! I see Ron and Harry coming our way and I turn around and pretend to look like I didn't notice. "Hermione we need to," I stop them," Harry, Ronald nice to see you." I nod at them clearly stating I'm still and at them." Listen we're sorry about last night!" Said Harry.

"Alright I accept your apology Harry but your greeting me chocolate this trip to Hogsmead tomorrow!" I said

"Hermione I was so stupid yesterday I should've known someone already asked you, I mean your beautiful and smart it doesn't get better than that!" He said this and my faced turned pink.

"Don't think you guys are off the hook so easy! I expect a present tomorrow!" I grinned happy we were together again.

"Ahh isn't that sweet! The saint potter, the weasel, and the mudblood back together!!" He and his friends start to chuckle. My heart hurts, was yesterday just a game? I should've known better!

"Let's go guys!" I say and we walk out of there. They were to busy talking about how they hated Draco to notice hoe my eyes were shinning but differently and tears were forming.

"I'll meet up with you guys at potions , I have to go get something from my dorms!" I say with a wave. I actually he towards the girls bathroom. Moaning Myrtle greets with a hello in-between sobs. I just look at the mirror and stare at myself, I always end up crying one way or another. I sob and sob until I have nothing left to cry with. It's 8:45 so I should probably try to freshen up I splash water onto my face but it doesn't help so I dry my face but it's still red. I just leave, I'll just say I'm sick.

I walk into the classroom at 8:55 and glance at the classroom almost half the class is there. I sit down waiting to be partnered. "Ok class here is a list of partners and I will not repeat so listen up Harry Potter and Cho Chang, Ron Weasley and Pansy, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger." That's all I heard when I stopped listening. I don't think I could take this! Could I fake being sick? No, he would notice will just have to face it.

He takes his stuff over next to me. "Today we are making Amortentia potion. You are given I list of ingredients and you have your suppose in the cupboard you have one hour begin!" He said,

I run to the cupboard and go get the supplies we need to make the potion. "Granger why is your eyes red?" He asked. Why does he care? "Bug off Malfoy!" I whispered scream.

He didn't talk for another half an hour which by the. We were almost done with the potion. " Granger meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 1:10 just please do it!" He added as he saw I was about to interrupt.

"Let's hand this in." I muttered. "Mr.Malfoy and Miss.Granger what a surprise! Let me guess you are done?" He asked only being kind cause Malfoy was there. We bother nodded." Tell me one thing you smell!" He told us. "I smell spearmint toothpaste." I told him . "I smell cherries." Draco said.

"Very well you are dismissed!" We both left to get ready for our next class.

(Skip over Transfiguration)

Time for dark arts with professor Moody. It's been delayed half and hour so we only have a 30 minute lesson today though I'm not quite sure why. "Today we are gonna have a pop quiz and then you can leave since it's only half an hour today" Moody said with his accent. I looked down on it,only 10 questions!(sorry I'm going through the classes so fast but they aren't really important so I'm trying to get through it.) I get through it and kinda just it there hiking it over until class is finished.

"Guys I'm meeting one of my ravenclaw friend to study. See you in a bit." They tell be goodbye and I walk to the astronomy tower just in time. I see Draco staring at the sky and my heart melts no matter how angry I am. "Malfoy why did you want me to come here." I asked.

"Hermione I have to get this off my chest. No one has ever been that caring or even cared about me, my friends are more like followers who worshipped me. But you, you wanted to know, you wanted to talk about it you understand me. Hermione I like you a lot," my eyes widen and my heart flutters," but we can't do this. Just please don't take to heart what I say it kills me to see you sad, just smile and remember the time we had together when we were just ourselves!" Tears start to form in my eyes.

"Draco, what else is there you want?"

"This." He leans down and lips brush quickly but I felt fireworks.

"Something to remember you by and now I completed my picture, thank you Hermione."

"I feel the same Draco, even if we can't be happy together I hope you can find happiness, goodbye Draco."

"Goodbye Hermione." We walked out and went our separate ways for the last time we could never be together but I would cherish what we once had.


Guys, the next chapter is the last! I'm sorry if the ending is different from the other stories and you don't like it but this is what I first imagined so I stuck with it. What do you guys think? So I do plan on doing a Emma and Hook fanfic and I already planned out the first chapter so I'll start that after the last chapter! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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