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'You got to be FUCKING kidding me!!!?'

"Hello Dr. Huo, I'm happy we finally meet. I am Yoojin, Your cousin Y/n L/n's seatmate, she always talks about you, and I want to know how is she doing? since it's summer break, she must be back in the Philippines?"

A 19 yr old boy was standing in front of Sowol, smiling brightly up at him

'Yeah right, I don't talk to the smart people on my class deepshit'

Sowol was furious on the inside, but calm and stoic on the outside

"hmm? Well that's a surprise, she isn't much of a talker..... but that's good, I don't want her to feel home sick"

Sowol said it flatly

"and she's fine, she probably in her room or hanging out with her friends"

"oh! I'm glad she's fine. Thank you for your time, I just wanted to know if she's doing fine since I don't have her number, Good bye Dr. Huo"

Yoojin bowed politely and turn to leave out the clothing store

"hmm, alright"

Sowol said while looking at Yoojin's back blankly


'Fuckkkkkk, why did I have to bump into Yoojin!!?'

Sowol plopped down onto his bed


'it already happened, I shouldn't mope about it'

A month later

'hmm, currently I have about 1,000 system points'

'Good thing this system have generous rewards these is more then enough to switch avatars'

"System avatar switch!"

[Avatar switch requires 300 System points]
[Do you still wish to switch?]
[yes] [no]

[yes] [no]

[Then please select the avatar]

[Kim Ji-woo]
[L/n Y/n]

>>> [L/n Y/n]

[Please close your eyes to start the switch]

Sowol did what he was told, and his conciousness slowly fade

"my daughter, it's time to wake up"

"ughh 5 more mins mom"

"N/n, your flight to Seoul in 3 hours from now, you should really wake up"

A M/n shoke Y/n gently while furrowing her brows a bit

but Y/n didn't budge at all, her mother was getting a bit inpatient so she did the next best thing

Turning on Y/n's room lights

Y/n groaned " ughh, it's too bright"

Y/n was whining

"My child, if you don't wake up right now, you'll be late from your flight!"

"Ok! Ok! I'm up!"

"alright my child, just wash first before going downstairs"

M/n left the room

*sigh* 'it feels good to be in my body again!'

Y/n sit up from her bed

"Open status!"

Strength: lvl 5
Endurance: lvl 5
Awareness: lvl 7
Intelligence: lvl 20

Charmer: lvl 10
Puppeteer: lvl 5
Acting: lvl 20
Deception: lvl 15


"...I'm not even surprised"

Then Y/n glance at her Skills, and then smirks

'hmm that's interesting'

"hmm... let's see... since I still have 700 System points, I should level up my skills"

*sigh* 'I really am a bad person'

Y/n put one of her hand up to the side of her face with a bitter expression, but her smile says otherwise

Y/n streched in the back seat of Sowol's car.....

(Yes they still have a mind of there own if Y/n doesn't possess the body)

"Oppa, what happened while I was gone, did something interesting happened?"

"hmm nothing interesting, but your classmate, I did interact with him"

"hmm? which classmate Oppa?"

'I already know who your talking about hehe~'

"Your seatmate last school year Yoojin"

"ugh! No way! He looks like a nerd know-it-all! and I only talk to him if it's group projects, he gives me the chills!"

"I figure that's the case"

"hmm? What do you mean Oppa?"

Y/n played dumb

"Well he is the chairman of workers but...... you probably already know that"

Sowol glance at the rear view mirror for a second

"ehhh? what are you talking about Oppa?"

Y/n look at him confused

"Oppa your really bad at making jokes! hahaha"

Y/n giggled

"Don't feign ignorance Y/n, I know your personality"

"wahh! your no fun Oppa. Hmm anyways, why is that Mr. Nerd know-it-all want with me?"

Story: Y/n L/n a child who always has what she want, a girl full of life and happiness but...... when she realized what reality, the cruelness, venomous currupt world, her very being become hollow to her, she knows what kind of people she that always surrounded her, so she fake it, every thing, what she likes, her views, her opinion, even when both her grandmothers died she felt hollow, she fake her sadness and crying.

Because to everyone, Y/n is the quiet, kind, funny, and lovely girl, a girl who is weak and always cry, a girl who's word is full of lies.... is it really just her lies?

To be continue...........

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