Love Knows No Distance

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Dedicated to @CamrynKissel, @NewYorkDoll, and NoraXSWest-AllenFam for their amazingly nice support of my Arrowverse stories! I truly could not do this without all of you :)

Author's Note: Just a super quick side note, I don’t usually choose to swap perspectives in the same one-shot, but I just thought it was important to include both of their points of view in this story. I’d love to hear what you all think of it, too, though)

William’s pov…

“I can’t believe this is actually happening. Well, yes I can believe it’s happening because I literally worked nonstop in high school to graduate just before I turned seventeen so, I could take that three month tour around the world with Zoe, Ada, and Edward before going to college but still, the concept of leaving this place feels strange,” Thought William as he placed the last of his clothes inside a brown cardboard box, taking extra time to seal its top shut with tape for the move.

He sighed a heavy breath as he dropped down onto the bare twin mattress which lay in the middle of the room, his eyes seemingly examining the room’s every detail. Throughout his childhood, the young man had lived in many different places. From the quaint brick house his mother, Samantha, had raised him in to the various apartments his father and stepmom, Felicity, had been forced to move into over the years (Mainly, because of Ricardo Diaz, though some other criminals had played their small parts, too). But all of those places seemed to pale in comparison to the mansion he called home. 

Sure, most of his fellow students had always passed around the rumors that he liked it so much because of how expensive it was (which is one of the many, many reasons I’m NOT going to miss high school) but that was far from the truth of the matter. Yes, it did have a built-in saltwater pool and quite literally a theater room devoted specifically to a massive sixty-five inch television (that was definitely mom’s suggestion), but honestly, none of that stuff mattered to William. All that mattered to him was the people whom he’d made such sweet memories with inside its walls.

This was the first place I got to live in where I had a choice. Where I wasn’t having to stay because one of my parents needed to keep me safe, I was living here because they love me. Because I love them. It was the place where I got to grow up with the incredible little girl known as my sister. The place where my mom helped me make an immeasurable amount of science projects that often won first place, I may add. Most of all, It’s the place where my Dad is.

“So much for asking if you needed any help packing,” joked a sweet-toned woman, kindness practically ringing through her every word as she casually leaned up against his blue door frame.

She was dressed in a simple white blouse dotted with pretty red roses, its bottom edges tucked loosely into the light blue jeans that covered her thin legs. Her black-framed glasses were balanced carefully on top of her nose, her bright blue eyes shining with happiness. 

Even when I’m upset, I still can’t help but smile when I see her face.

“Yeah, I just figured I’d get an early morning start. Having such a big day ahead of me and all,” replied William, his hands placed awkwardly on his lap in an attempt to look calm.

Unfortunately for him, his mother was the master of being awkward, especially at the least opportune times.

“I would’ve done the same thing, if not for the fact that waking up early would only remind me what day it is sooner,” commented Felicity as she slowly sat down beside her son, their bodies so close that their opposite shoulders lightly bumped into one another.

William looked over at his mom, an appreciative half-smile covering his gentle face.

I know she’s only being so open about how she’s feeling because she can see I’m upset, but that doesn’t make me appreciate any less.

Oliver And William Queen One-Shots: The College YearsWhere stories live. Discover now