Our New Understanding (Part 2)

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Dedicated to @CamrynKissel, @NewYorkDoll, and NoraXSWest-AllenFam for their awesome support of my Arrowverse work! You all are amazing :)

Oliver's pov...

"Okay, Oliver, this is going much better than you expected it to. Now all you have to do is make it through the day without blowing it," Oliver reminded himself, sternly as he walked through a coffee house's open glass doors, William following close behind him.

It felt oddly surreal stepping into the recently decorated (Because of what Oliver assumed was another metahuman attack, though he took silent pleasure in knowing that he could no longer say Star City's businesses had similar issues) building known as CCJitters, its simple white lights hanging unevenly above the cashier's register. Various Central Citiers milled about the brightly lit shop, the smell of freshly caffeinated coffee wafting throughout the entirety of the place. The majority of the walls consisted of glass, letting the afternoon light shine in through its exterior as if it were truly the contents of its structure.

Though, all of those paled in comparison to the feelings of remembrance that seemed to be rushing back through Oliver's mind as he took in the shop's full experience.

Just over nine years ago from this very day did Oliver technically meet his son for the first time.

And he still remembered it as if it were only yesterday;

I was standing just in front of the counter talking to Barry about how unnecessary it was for this place to name a drink after him when this small kid bumped into my leg. He had to be no more than ten years old because he still had that cute child-like smile to him, his short brunette hair tousled loosely on top of his head. He was quite possibly the sweetest kid I'd ever met, apologizing to me almost immediately for hitting into me before running back to where Samantha was just a few feet away. But never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that that little boy would be my kid. The first of two kids to forever change my life, in the best possible way.

"You okay, Dad?" Asked William, cautiously as he placed his hand on his father's left shoulder, shaking him lightly so as to make sure something hadn't happened.

"Yeah, I'm good. Now, let's go grab that coffee," replied Oliver, encouragingly as he gestured for William to go get them a table to which he gladly agreed to.

As soon as his son had left, Oliver felt a single tear of happiness slip down his cheek, letting the full emotional impact punch his stomach at the thought of his and his son's first memory together.

Toughen up, Oliver. You're here to have fun with your son.

After a few excruciatingly annoying minutes of waiting in line behind a tall, talkative woman and a man who kept a parrot on his shoulder as a pet (say what you want, but Central Citiers are much weirder than Star Citiers), Oliver finally succeeded in grabbing both he and William white plastic cups of coffee, alongside two soft orange pumpkin donuts.

"Okay, even you gotta admit that this place has great food, Dad," joked William, his words barely audible through the pumpkin donut that he was actively chewing.

"Good service, yes. Better service than Austin's Apple Bakery, no," stated Oliver, firmly before taking another sip of his chocolate caramelized latte.

But that doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy the coffee they have here the best.

"That's fair, but hey, at least it gets second place," commented William, a happy smile covering his face.

"It's definitely an improvement," shrugged Oliver, his eyes locked onto his son's joyful expression.

Nothing warmed the retired vigilante's heart like getting to spend time with his family.

Oliver And William Queen One-Shots: The College YearsWhere stories live. Discover now