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❝ but in the end, its not him that she chose ❞

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but in the end, its not him that she chose

A YOUNG BOY stood behind a tree, hands pressed against the hard grooves and ridges of the wood as he peered over at the waterfall to observe the happenings in the distance. He felt the earth beneath his heel shift, the soil was soft from the storm last night. His youthful eyes caught sight of familiar fiery red hair tied into a loose falling ponytail, and...

"Ah! Kaeya!"

Your voice was bright, like the golden sunlight dancing across the surface of the clear water. Scattered and floating around, dandelion fluffs drifted through the air and caught in your hair. Wisps of white-crowned your hair with soft floral, a summer laurel that made you infinitely more beautiful.

And like that, Kaeya Alberich was mesmerized.

"Come on! We've been waiting for you!" You waved at him, jumping up and down with excitement glittering in your eyes. A smile that eclipsed all else was all; graceful and enchanting like the moon's gentle light. You were the moon to Diluc's sun, and Kaeya were the stars that scattered around the two of you, gravitating so close yet so infinitely far, only observing the quiet dance that persisted between. Never to touch, never to interfere.

It was midsummer; with twilight spilling over the edge of the mountaintops, casting a deep shade of navy into a watercolor wash of sunset. Varnished with barely visible silver stars, the moon began its ascent across the sky. It was getting dark.

"Hurry hurry!" You urged Kaeya to run, waving your arm frantically. He did so, running until his lungs gave way - heavily with the taste of metal on his tongue. You touched him, lighting infernos across his skin. It burned so good, he yearned for more.

"Took you long enough," Diluc remarked, crossing his arms across his chest, he was still wearing his day clothes. He must've finished up his lessons early to fulfill your wish, giving up his duties to do what it was that made you happiest.

His adoptive brother's words cut his fantasies short, prompting Kaeya to reply sharply. "It didn't take me that long."

"Now, now... What did Master Crepus say about arguing?" The animosity between the two siblings dissipated with just the chime of your voice. Directing their attention to you, a smile made its way to your lips as they stared at you awaiting your next words like worshippers would await sermons. They would do anything at your bidding, drinking in your presence like their lives were dependent on it.

You clapped your hands together, beaming so brightly it rivaled the sun in its radiance and glory - even if your next words were the most devastating things Kaeya has ever heard in his life, he could only stand there and observe with adoration in his eyes. "Now, let's practice the vows."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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