Chapter 16 - How Mischievous

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Ayanokouji POV

Now that Sudou's expulsion was withdrawn, he didn't need to pack things up. If he hears about it, he will probably jump out from joy.

As I slid the door open, I saw Sudou holding his bag, as if he was ready to leave the school anytime.

"What are you doing, Sudou?" I asked Sudou.

"I'm preparing to leave the school".

... Eh?

When I became speechless as of a moment, I immediately retain myself and asked him, "Why?".

"Because I failed. But don't worry, even if I leave the school, I would still try my best to make my lifelong dream come true".

Looking at his eyes, it has a new light on it. As if the determination he had was flaring up even more.

But... How did this happen?

"... Sudou, please stop that" Horikita said with an exasperated tone.

Sudou then looked at her with a bit of annoyance, "What's wrong about it? This is my last day, so at least let me say my last words".

"Unfortunately, it won't be your last day, because your suspension has been withdrawn".

"... Huh?".

When he hears Horikita's answer, his face is full of confusion, as if what he's hearing is unbelievable.

"Y-you're joking with me, right?"

"Fortunately, I'm not joking with you. And good for you, you can now finally stay in this school and pursue your dreams".

After a bit of silence, he screamed, shouting "Yahoo!" while his right hand is raised up to the air, doing a victory pose.

In this scene, Ike and Yamauchi also joined celebrating in avoiding their friend's expulsion, while the rest felt relieved about the matter.

"How unfortunate".

However, contrary to most of the people in the classroom, there is only one person who feels dissatisfied about the result, and it was none other than Okuma Ikuto.

"W-what do you mean?" Sudou asked in surprise

"Just like I said earlier, it was unfortunate"

"Wha-? But I thou-"

"That I tried to cheer you up? No, it was unfortunate to see that you weren't expelled".

At his response, Horikita jumps in to the conversation, "You, why are you acting like thi-?".

"Just a minute, Horikita. I think we should let him talk first" Sudou interrupted.

At Sudou's persuasion, Horikita is surprised at his action, including me. But nevertheless, Horikita complied to his request.

"Like I said earlier, it was unfortunate that you weren't expelled because you won't learn from your past mistakes".

"But I promised to change" Sudou promised to him.

"Words are just that, words. Do you think human beings will easily change by just saying a few words of promise?" Okuma countered.

He then continued, "Unless if that situation affects you deeply, you will never change, Sudou. Count yourself as lucky since you were able to stay in this school".


At Okuma's harsh remarks, Sudou can't help but be silent. I thought that he will feel rage towards him since he is insulting him, but surprisingly, anger was not present in his face, but rather, he shows sincerity.

"But starting from now, every actions will be your responsibility, not the whole class' responsibility. If you were in trouble, the whole class might, or rather, will not help you if ever you encounter a problem. You understand what I'm saying?"

"…I understand".

"Remember, Sudou. It will now be your choice to make whether you want to continue your flawed past, or change it" he departed his last words before leaving the room.

But as he was about to leave the classroom, he suddenly turned around and looked at a certain man.

"Hey, Yamauchi".


"Don't you think that you're forgetting something?".

"What do you mean?" he feigned ignorance.

"Sigh, now you acting ignorant right now?".

"Get straight to the point, will ya?!" Yamauchi asked, acting like a gangster.

"It's about the bet" he reminded.

Oh right, I totally forgotten about it because we were entirely focused on what happened to Sudou.

"Hahaha, c'mon, you lost! Are you just reminding me that you lost?".

"Oh really? How about you take a look at the poster again".

When Yamauchi looked at it again, he agaped his mouth in surprise.

"W-what? Why is your score is higher?! Aren't you supposed to get lower scores, not 99 to all subjects?!".

Wait, Okuma scored that high? But how?

Even Horikita and the rest of the people are confused about his scores.

"Not facing reality right now?".

"S-stop with that bullshi- Gah!".

When Yamauchi was trying to deny the bet,Okuma suddenly punched him in the gut.

"You know the conditions of this bet" Okuma asked, as if to remind him about the conditions.

"F-fine, say anything you want!".

"Lick my feet".



"I said lick my feet, you deaf bastard".

"Isn't that too fa-".

"Huh? Are you questioning me?" he said with bloodlust in his eyes.

In this situations, Yamauchi has no choice but to comply, "N-no, I'll follow".

As Yamauchi was about to lick his shoe, a kick was delivered on his face, causing his body to be thrown away at the side.

"Fucking bastard, where's your toughness from earlier, huh?".


"This is for acting tough on me".


"This is for disrespecting on me".


"And this is for acting so smart on me when in reality, you aren't".





When Yamauchi fainted, Okuma finally left the classroom.


After class, the group decided to celebrate Sudou's cancellation of expulsion to my room. Although, I don't want many people go into my room, I have no choice but to reluctantly agree to their demands.

The group consist of me, Kushida, Horikita, and the Idiot Trio. The trio raised their cup filled with cola then saying "Kampai!" before they gulped it down to their mouth.

Well, except for Yamauchi since he can't move his jaw due to the injuries he received from Okuma earlier.

On this scene, Kushida smiled at them while Horikita continues to read her book.

"Man, you're really lucky, aren't you Ken?" Ike said to Sudou.

Hearing his buddy said that, he scratch the back of his head with an embarrassed face and said, "Well, yeah. I thought so to. I'm relieved that I didn't get expelled, or else, my road to become a professional basketball player will become rough".


"By the way, Sudou. What happened earlier when me and Horikita was still on the outside" I asked because what happened earlier piqued my interest.

At that question, Horikita became focused at the topic of our conversation.

"Well, when you two were still outside, Okuma talked to me, saying about acknowledging my efforts for working hard to reach my dream. And when he said that, I think he looks really cool, you know? Even though he looks always mean, he was simply a good guy" he said with a bit of happiness.

Really? Did he really said that? I really doubted it since it would be a contradiction to his personality.

"Did he really said that?" Horikita asked with suspicion.

"He really did say that. I swear" Sudou said as he raised his left hand.

"I see...".

When Sudou said it with honesty, I have no choice but to believe him since he wasn't a type of person who lies.

-Ding Dong!

While we are talking, the door bell rang inside the room. I decided to stand up from my spot to see who was the visitor who looked for me at this hour.

When I opened it, I discovered a boy with long black hair tied in a ponytail. It was Okuma Ikuto who visited me at this hour.

Because of this, my eyes widened in surprise to see him.

"Greetings, Ayanokouji".

"Good evening too, Okuma. What are you doing here?".

"Well, I just decided to give you this" he said as he handed me out a box of donuts.

"Uh, why are giving this?" I asked in confusion.

"No reason".

"I see...".

"Ayanokouji, who's tha- Wha?!".

When Sudou found out who the visitor was, he was jumped back in surprise, not expecting the situation.

"Well then, I'm leaving" he said as he turned around to walk away from us.

"Hey, Okuma, please wait!" Sudou pleaded.

When he heard Sudou's desperation, he stopped his movement and looked at him.

"About earlier, I'm thankful about what you said. Even though you're always blunt, the way you told me in the classroom makes me inspired".

"And once again, I'm thankful. I will never forget your words".


At his gratitude, me and Horikita became bewildered since he was a guy known as having a seriously uncontrollable anger issues. But now, this was not the case.

And afterwards, Okuma opened his bag and fiddled the inside until he finally found grabbed the item.



As Okuma threw the item, Sudou managed to capture it. It was a can of soda that has a red color on it.

After that, he immediately leave from the spot, as if he already finished his objective.

"Man, he's really a nice guy" Sudou chuckled.

I guess not all people are very evil. At least he shows some consideration.

As he was about to open the can.


"Gahhh! What the hell?!" Sudou screamed as he immediately drenched with soda that was blown to his face.

Well, I take that back. I guess he was not evil, but mischievous.



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