Chapter One

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A/N: HI! My names Katie, the other writer of the story is Stefani! Yaaaay, haha, uhmm we are cowriting this story and we hope you like it! Remember to Vote/Fan/Comment if you like the story. mmmkkayy have fun reading!! 

"We did it for the money. We weren't trying to hurt anyone..."


I look down at the warm cement under my flip flops as Stefani and I walk down the vacant street. We planned to stop at the store for snacks and then go straight back to the house. Today was our last day with the "secret". I shake my head smiling remembering how we found it. We didn't really search; it just fell into our arms.

"What?" I turn to my friend and see she is staring at me. She shrugs and looks back up at the sun.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks looking back at me. My smile widens and I roll my eyes.

"Stef! You know what I'm thinking about!" We both laugh and begin to change the subject. We finish our walk to the store and open the doors to Quickie's. I close my eyes feeling the cool air-conditioned air hit my overheated body. I return my eyes to what I wanted most; a nice, cold Slurpy. I don't even look at Stefani as I make my way over to the machine. I grab the biggest cup and fill it with the ice drink. I pop the top on and go for Stefani. She was over by the chips section searching for her favorite bag. I watch as she grabs her choice and we begin to the counter. The clerk rings up the objects and clears his throat.

"Two thirty six." He says simply staring off into space. I turn to Stefani and give her the puppy dog eyes.

"Katiee" She whines as she pulls out her wallet.

"but, but, but I wuv you." I say in a baby voice while looking at her through my lashes. She smiles and rolls her eyes giving the man her money. We get the change and then walk back out into the heat. I instantly squint my eyes in the sunlight. We begin making the walk back to my house as I drink my slurpy.

"So, what I was thinking is tonight me, you, popcorn, movies?" I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"Stop that" Stefani says throwing a chip at me. I smile and dodge it. "But okay sounds like fun." I nod my head and we begin talking about our favorite movies.

"But see I like Leap Year becau-" I stop talking as I see a white van slowing to a stop in front of us. I look over at Stefani and she looks calm. My back stiffens and try to mimic her even though I am screaming in my head. I follow as Stefani doesn't stop or slow down as the van stops.

"Stef" I say quietly as we come closer to the van. She shakes her head and gets her cellphone out. I swallow a lump in my throat we begin to pass the van. I watch as we pass the tale light and I relax my muscles.

"oh my god, I though-" I feel a strong pair of hands grab my waist as I see a man pull Stefani into the trunk. I punch and kick but it's no use, the man's way too strong for me to fight. My screams are muffled by the man's sleeve. I feel a cold liquid run down my arm and onto my chest. My eye sight becomes blurry as my tears fill my eyes. I feel my body being thrown into the van and a sharp pain in my back side. I hear the tires peel out and the van begins to move. I look around the van and cry out as I see Stefani laying unconscious next to me.

"Stef!" I scream shaking her. The same man pulls me into his arms again and puts a cloth over my mouth. I take in a sharp breath as I feel myself getting dizzy. My kicks become sloppy and my arms rest of the man's legs.

"Katie!" I hear my name being shouted and I open my eyes. I look around the room, confused. I hear my name once again and I turn my head to the noise. I see Stefani next to the door. Her hair is tussled and she has a cut on her cheek. I bite back the pain as I try to get off the bed. I look around the room again really opening my eyes. It just looks like a bedroom; there is a bed, closet, and a dresser. The walls are painted a light yellow and the comforter is a pure white; other than the blood stain I assume is from Stefani.

"Where are we Stef?" I ask as I feel tears rising from my tear ducts again. She walks over to me and hugs me tightly.

"I donno babe, but we are going to get out of here" She says as I try to hold in a sob. I just wanted to go home. I hear a door being opened as Stefani pulls away from me. Stefani steps in front of me and shouts some profanities at the man. I hear the man's heavy footsteps come closer to Stefani. He leans close to her and whispers "move". Stefani doesn't. The man lets out a snort.

"So you're the tough one?" The man picks Stefani up as she kicks and screams. I scream for her as the man takes her out of the room and down the hall. I scream loudly; not really anything just screams. I fall to the floor and put my head between my legs. How did we get here?! I ask myself. I lift my head up and look over at the window next to the dresser. I wipe away the tears and get off the floor. As I come closer to the window I see that its bolted shut. I sigh touching the cold metal bolt. I hear the door open and close. I stand there too scared to move. The footsteps get closer and closer. The same footsteps Stefani got carried away with. I squeeze my eyes shut as the man clears his throat.

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way." I nod my head.

"easy" I whisper as I feel a rough hand tug my arm softy. I follow without opening my eyes. I keep following the man down a corridor. I finally open my eyes as I hear a door open. I look up at the man and my lip begins to quiver. The man looks down at me and then back up. We walk into the room and he pulls out a chair.

"sit" He commands and I sit in the chair.

"I will be back with someone. Don't do anything stupid." He simply says and shuts the door. I bite my lip as I look around the room. This room almost looks like a family room. It has a TV, couch, and a loveseat. Where am i? Then it hits me: Where is Stefani? I call out her name hoping she got away and is hiding somewhere, but sadly she isn't. I rub my eyes and throw my head back.

"Hello" I open my eyes and look at the man in the doorway. I take in a sharp breathe as he shuts the door.


"Are you sure shes not crazy?" I ask Steve as I near the door. Steve chuckles and I look at him.

"She couldn't hurt a fly." Steve is shaking his head with a huge smile on his face. I nod and stop at the door. I look back at Steve and sigh. He nods towards the door and I walk inside. I see a woman sitting at the table with her head back. I clear my throat but she doesn't seem to notice so I say hello. Her head shoots up and looks at me. I look at the woman in shock. I was expecting something different. This girl had deep red hair with olive skin and sun kissed freckles. She didn't look starved but wasn't too big. She was...

"Bloody hell, fly my arse!" I yell as I feel a sharp pain on my cheek. I hold my cheek and look at the woman. Her face looks scared and slightly bruised. The woman looks into my eyes and started to cry.

"Why" she mouths as Steve tackles her down. She screams and kicks as Steve sits her in the chair and gets rope. He ties her down tightly to the chair as I ice my cheek. I pull the ice away and see a speck of blood. I go to the mirror and touch the cut area. It is right under my left eye.

"Fuck" I mutter as I look at my reflection. I turn to Steve and nod. Steve walks over to the door but doesn't leave. I walk to the table and take a seat. I sigh and look at the girl. She looks the table making sure not to catch my glare.

"Where is it?" I ask sitting back in my seat. The girl sitting opposite of me looks up, her eyes meeting mine, and shakes her head.

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