Chapter Four

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A/N: Hey guys, its katie! yaay. lol, How is everyone liking the story? In case you havent figured out/heard we are updating every Friday. We got a new cover! Hope you all are enjoying the story... love you... :3 


I walk down the hall back to the room where I woke up. Of course, while being dragged by this guy that took me there in the first place. I look at him with a never-ending glare. How I despise him so much. He should never grab a woman like that, no man should.

"There, wait here." He says gruffly as he slams the door on his way out.

I wait there and it feels like hours but I know is really seconds. The door opens and Katie is thrown in. She gets up and looks around not noticing me.

"Katie!" I yell her name as and she looks at me, her face brightens up and she tackles me in a tight hug.

"Owh owh!" I yell as she hugs me tightly. She pulls away and looks down at my hand.

"What happened?!" She asks her voice cracking. I wave it away, I didn't want her to worry about me.

"Nothing, all that matters is that YOUR okay." She smiles faintly and she hugs me again but softer. I release her and I see she has tears in her eyes.

"Hey, look at me. I'm fine aren't I? You're okay too, and we're together. Everything will be fine." I assure her. She gives me a wobbly smile and I pull her in another hug.

"Okay, what did they do? Did they do anything to you?" I quickly ask, I didn't want those bastards laying a finger on her. She didn't deserve this.

"Nothing. They did nothing, they just asked where it was and I didn't say anything cause I knew you wouldn't want me too." She was avoiding eye contact with me and I knew she wasn't saying something else. I can tell when she's keeping something from me.

"Katie! Look at me! What else did they do, you're not telling me something." I grab her shoulder with my right hand and look in her eyes. All her eyes show is fear but I can tell she's having a battle with herself whether to tell me or not. She sighs in defeat and looks at me one more time. I give her a nod of encouragement.

"Louis was about to slap me and Liam stopped him, bu-" I cut her off by standing up and pacing once again. She knew there was no point in trying to explain things, the point is that he tried to hit her, and that wasn't okay with me.

"No but's Katie! He tried to hit you and he's gonna pay." I snapped. Katie looked at me with pleading eyes, silently asking me to listen.

"He didn't mean it, he said so himself, I heard him when they walked out of the room." I looked at her and saw the look on her face. She was basically hoping that I wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Alright." That's all I said. I know Katie didn't like seeing me like this. I couldn't help it.

"What are we going to do now?" She asks with a small voice. She's scared and that's the last thing I want her to feel. I sigh and I sit on the bed next to her.

"We wait." I hear the door swing open and I look up. The same big guy that took me from this very room was standing in the doorway. Who is this guy? Their bitch? He looks at both of us and motions for us to follow him. I stand up first and Katie soon follows.

"His name is Steve." Katie whispers in my ear. I nod my head and keep following him. He turns around every now and then to make sure that we're following him. Every single time he does I shoot a glare his way. He turns the corner and he starts walking down the stairs. I have no choice but to follow. I'm surprised he didn't have a leash for us. We get down stairs and he walks into a big spacious living room.

"Take a seat." He says and he stands near the entrance of the living room. Katie takes a seat on a big single chair and I take one on the arm of it. We wait a couple seconds and five guys walk in. I instantly recognize them and I can't help but smirk. That smirk is wiped off my face when Katie nudges my arm and I look back at her. She has wide eyes and she's shaking her foot. I mouth 'Calm Down' to her and she gives a nod. I softly smile and turn back around. I'm met with five pairs of eyes including 'Steves'.

"We know you have it, where is it!?" Harry asks, his voice cold. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. There all sitting on the couch across from us except Louis. He's looking at me with a hateful stare. I give a dry laugh. Wow, these guys are pricks.

"Where!?" This time Louis yells and it's directed at Katie. I can feel the fear radiating off her. I snap my head to give him a death stare.

"Don't talk to her like that. Talk directly to me." I spat out with as much venom in my voice that I could muster up.

"Where!" Louis once again yells at Katie and that just threw me over the edge. I get up and swiftly grab him by his throat and slam him against the wall.

"I swear, if you yell at her one more time I won't hesitate to smash your pretty little face in the wall." I say quietly but I know everyone could hear me. Soon I'm being ripped off away from him. I turn to see Liam. I give him a dirty look then I slowly walk back to the chair where Katie is seated and sit down again.

"What happened to your face Liam? Looks like you got hit pretty hard there." I say smugly.

"Your little friend decided to slap me" He gives a pointed look at Katie and I can't help the smile that comes to my face.

"Oh did she now? Good job Katie, I taught you well." I look back at Katie and she gives me a small smile. I turn back and look at them again. There all glaring at me. I really don't care though.

"What now? You gonna do something?" I ask them, looking bored and inspecting my nails.

"Actually yes. We want it back, when we do, you guys can go." Zayn said first, he seemed pretty calm. I just shook my head at them.

"Nah, I think I'll keep it. Do you mind Louis?" I gave him an innocent smile. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I do mind, so give it back and we never have to see each other again." He said, with venom lacing his voice. He looked really stressed.

"Okay I'll give it back." I said nonchalantly. They all gave me skeptical looks. Liam was the first to speak up.

"What's the catch?" He asked.

"We need something." I said bluntly. It was important we get what we need.

"What do you need?" Liam asked.

"$108,000." At this, their eyes went wide and Louis automatically started shaking his head no.

"We are not paying that much. What do you need it for anyway?" Louis asked.

"That's none of your business! We just need it!" I snapped. I didnt need to tell them the reason why, that was for me and Katie to know, not them.

"No deal." Louis said with his arms crossed.

"Alright then, I guess I'll keep it." I said with a final, demanding tone. He was not getting it back if they weren't paying us the money.  

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