One Tree Hill

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One-shots focussed on Nathan and Jamie's relationship. Father-son fluff and good parenting to heal your inner child.

The best because who doesn't love seeing Nathan Scott as a dad.

Set after the events of 5x18, Jamie is 4 years old.

(ps I don't own any of the one tree hill story lines, content or characters. This is just for entertainment)


Nathan was in agony.

Nothing was working the way he wanted it to.

He had been training with Quentin for almost two hours and still wasn't making any progress.

He looked to the right where Jamie was playing all by himself trying to throw the ball high enough to get it through the unoccupied hoop.

The 4 year old kept on trying without any success.

Like father like son Nathan thought to himself.

At least the boy seemed to be having fun, probably happy enough from merely being allowed to join his father at basketball practice.

"What are you doing man?" Quentin asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"You have to be faster, your fadeaway is weak".

"Stop it", Nathan wasn't amused.

 "I just can't do it anymore. My body just doesn't listen to me anymore like it used to, before the accident."

Quentin wasn't having it today.

 "Stop making excuses and try again. You know what I think? I think you're just scared of what might happen. You're scared, man"

"I'm not scared"

"Playing like a fourth grader just because you're scared"

"I am NOT SCARED!!!"

Nathan started raising his voice.

"I don't need this today, I'm going home".

He turned around towards Jamie who was now cautiously watching the two grownups, having overheard their conversation.

 "Come on Jamie, we're leaving" Nathan said in his son's direction.

"But daddy we just came here, I don't want to go yet" Jamie replied.

 Nathan could feel his patience fade away and snapped.

"James Lucas Scott, come over here right now or I will not bring you here again and you will not watch any television before bed tonight" he said, finger pointed at his son, anger flaring in his eyes.

Jamie knew that his father was in no state to negotiate, so with a disappointed look on his face and eyes slightly watery, he slowly made his way towards his father.

Nathan grabbed their bags and without a word of goodbye, left the high school gym, Quentin still standing there, Jamie following right behind him.

After reaching the car, he threw their bags and Jamie's ball in the back and proceeded to put Jamie into his car seat, strapping him in tightly.

 He slammed his son's door shut and got behind the steering wheel.

After sitting there for a second or two he suddenly started hitting the wheel, pounding on it as hard as he could, trying to give his anger and frustration an outlet.

When Nathan was done he just sat there hand on his forehead feeling the onset of a terrible headache, caused by all the pressure he put on himself.

Drowning in his own sorrow, a whimper from the back of the car snapped his attention, bringing him back to reality.

Looking in the rear view mirror he saw his son sitting there, tears rolling down his face, leaving traces on his cheek.

Jamie's hands were clutching his blue little stuffed elephant, the one that Nathan always kept in the car for Jamie to play with, his little body shaking.

 In shock Nathan turned around.

 Shit, he had completely forgotten about his 4 year old sitting in the back, experiencing his prior anger outburst.

His baby boy, the one that always looked up to him.

 Now all he could see in Jamie's eye was fear.

 Fear of his father's anger, his uncontrolled temper.

 Nathan was disgusted by his own actions.

 He had been harsh and unfriendly towards his son in the gym, not because of Jamie's reaction but due to his own disappointment.

 And now this.

"Shh Shh" trying to calm Jamie down Nathan climbed to the back seat, getting his son out of his car seat. Hugging him tightly, Nathan climbed back onto the drivers seat.

 Wrapping his arms as tightly as possible around Jamie without suffocating him and pressing kisses onto his little head, Nathan tried to calm him down.

 "Shhh it's okay baby boy. I am so sorry love. Daddy shouldn't have acted like that. Shhh it's okay, I'm here, I've got you."

Trying to bite down his own tears, Nathan just held on to Jamie drawing soothing circles on his tiny back.

Jesus Christ, he had to get in control of his anger, it had almost cost him his ability to walk and now his son was terrified of him.

His little boy.

Nathan really detested himself in that moment.

After a while the whimpering stopped and Jamie moved a little, just to press his face against his fathers chest, seeking comfort.

 "James" Nathan mumbled into his son's hair.

 "James, look at me love" he said in a soft tone, waiting for his son to react.

Jamie slowly lifted his head, looking up at his father.

" I shouldn't have behaved like that and I am terribly sorry. None of this is your fault James. I just want you to know that. Daddy loves you soooo much, I always will, just like mommy. You know that, right?"

"Yes daddy" Jamie whispered, eyes rimmed red and face blotchy from crying.

"What do you say love, shall we go home and see mommy? How about we watch your favourite movie tonight, all 3 of us. We'll make popcorn and have a great time. Would you like that?"

His son just nodded and pressed his face against Nathan's chest again, seeking a few more minutes of peace and safety.

Nathan just held him tightly, giving him the time he needed.


 "Yes love?"

"I love you"

"I love you too James, more than you'll ever know".

They sat there for a few more minutes before they started to make their way back home.

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