Mother vs Mom

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Y/N is walking through the halls enjoying his weekend since he finished all his assignments. As he is walking, he notices a blonde haired guy blocking a brunette from moving as her back is against the wall.

He walks over and taps the guy on the shoulder. The guy turns around revealing himself and the girl. 

"Niall, leave her alone."

"Fuck off Adams."

Niall shoves Y/N back before grabbing the girl's wrist.

"Let her go Niall."

"Y/N please."

She reaches out for Y/N's hand but Niall roughly pulls her back. She has tears streaming down her face, something in Y/N snaps.

He grabs the back of Niall's head and headbutts him which dazes him before Y/N rushes to the girl.

"Are you okay Hails?"

"Yeah I'm-"

Y/N is tackled to the ground by Niall.

"Run Hailee."



She runs away as Y/N tries to get Niall off him. Y/N manages to flip their position and kneels on Niall's arms. 

He begins to repeatedly punch him in the face, a fire in his eyes. This isn't Y/N, this is years of contained anger, sadness, disgust and fear from his past. 

Robert and Jeremy are walking through the halls when they see Y/N punching Niall repeatedly. They both grab Y/N who trashes about trying to hit Niall again. 

"Y/N! Stop!"


His voice sounds demonic as he screams, people coming out seeing Niall on the floor with a  bloody face as Robert and Jeremy are holding Y/N back.

After calming Y/N down, both boys are brought to Linda's office. Niall's parents and Y/N's parents are both in the office. Y/N's parents have a death grip on his shoulder as he keeps his face neutral. 

"Now Ms. Steinfeld has explained what happened before she ran away. Niall was pinning her against the wall and was planning on doing a lot more to her without her consent."

"Is this true Niall?"

"She just kept saying no. She's my girlfriend she should give it to me when I want it."

"She doesn't owe you anything asshole." 

The grip on his shoulders tighten so he shuts his mouth. 

"I'm so disappointed in you Niall. We're taking you home."

"What? Why?"

"We can't leave you here with other people clearly."

"What about him?"

"Mr. Adams was wrong in what he did but he did it to protect a fellow student, he will be suspended to his room for two weeks."

"May we take our son to his room?"

Y/N's mother fakes a smile, everyone believes she's sweet but not Y/N. 

"Of course Mrs. Adams."

Y/N leaves the room with his parents as they walk to his room. He opens the door and his mother locks it behind him.


His father turns on the music, making sure it is loud as Y/N undoes his shirt kneeling on the ground. His mother ties his hands with his tie and puts another one in his mouth. 

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