Hickeys and Moving in

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(Thanks for 1k on this book, you guys are amazing. Also do you guys want this to be the last chapter with an epilogue after or do you want me to do a smut chapter after this then the epilogue after that)

Scarlett wakes up to the feeling of something biting her neck so she smacks it thinking it's a bug.


She looks down to see it wasn't a bug but her boyfriend. 

"Why are you biting my neck?"

"No reason, can I get a kiss?"

She looks at him suspiciously before nodding so he leans down kissing her softly which she returns. He lays on his stomach burying his face in the pillow after she pulls away and climbs out of the bed heading into the en suite bathroom. 

He giggles to himself pulling his hood over his head listening closely. Scarlett rubs her eyes looking into the mirror as she picks up her toothbrush, noticing the dark hickeys on her neck. 

"Y/N! What the fuck?!"

She storms out of the bathroom hearing him laughing as she climbs onto the bed hitting his back with a pillow. 

"I have to work tomorrow you ass!"

"You can cover it with-"

"No make up is going to cover them fully you made them so dark you idiot."

She angrily slams the bathroom door as he rolls over onto his back. He climbs out of bed knocking on the bathroom.

"Come on it's not bad, they're just hickeys. Why are you so worked up?"

She opens the door angrily glaring at him.

"They're not just hickeys Y/N! I have to be professional and showing up to work with hickeys on your neck is not professional."

She runs her fingers through her hair as he follows her. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it-"

"No you didn't think! You should've asked me if I was okay with this!"

"I thought it would be cute, I-"

"God Y/N! Use your brain please! I knew it was a bad idea to date a student."

Her eyes widen as her hands shoot to her mouth turning rapidly to look at him as his face falls. 

"Y/N I didn't-"

He storms past her as she tries to grab his arm. He leaves the apartment slamming the door heading to his own room and locking the door. She knocks on his door.

"Y/N please. I didn't mean it."

No response.

"Y/N come on."

No response.

Lizzie walks up as Scarlett paces outside Y/N's door. She walks up to her best friend who turns to look at her.

"He won't let me in and-"

"What happened to your neck?"

"Your son. We had a fight. I was such a bitch and now he won't talk to me."

Lizzie sighs.

"I swear you never learn, he's sensitive."

Lizzie walks over knocking on the door but gets no response. She pulls her keys out and unlocks his door.

"Wait here."

She walks into his room closing the door seeing Y/N on his bed, back facing her as his face is against the bed turned towards the wall, laying at an angle. 

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