ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ

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Liv's POV
Watching the raw monitor I saw Brie bella hitting her signature move on Sonya Deville lately shes been dominating the division shes been on an undefeated streak for 3 weeks wanting a opportunity for the raw womens championship against the current holder Raquel Rodriguez.

I started to warm up for the gauntlet match later tonight i was set to go in against Rhea Ripley and out last the other 4 women to enter the elimination chamber last I've never had a 1 v 1 against Rhea so I'm kind of excited for tonight I've always looked up to Rhea theres something about her that makes me smile I've only ever spoke to her once with Sonya as there close friends.

I hear the Bell ring as Rhea pins Nikki Ash my music hits i get in the ring as I watch Rhea staring me down doing my signature pose on the ropes and soon after the bell rings and the match starts mid way though the match i go for the oblivion until Rhea catches me with a kick to the face hits me with a riptide goes for the pin and picks up the win.

Making my way back to the locker room Sonya comes up to me "Hey Liv!" i hear from behind " Hi Sonya!" I say "Me Rhea and Mandy are gonna be having celebration drinks back in my hotel if u want come? You can even bring Savannah along with you if you'd like? "Sure ill ask her ill see you guys later tonight!" I reply before waving and walking away.

I'm about to walk back into the locker room i run into Nikki Bella Raw's general manager "Hey you did amazing job out there tonight you we really over with the crowd which is what we want going forward to make you a top star on our brand"she says
"Oh thank you it truly means a lot im glad i can get over and entertain the fans" i say "Yeah I've been needing to talk to you for a few days but after ur match tonight and amazing chemistry with Rhea Vince has decided that your going to be a tag team heading into Wrestlemania" i almost choke on my water after hearing those words come out of her mouth "WAIT WHAT?" I say a bit too loud as some other wrestlers begin to look our way " But i thought i was finally getting a solo push towards beating Raquel for the Raw Women's Championship?" I say
"Yeah well sadly Vince changed his plans and you and Rhea had a good match our their tonight he says he thinks you could be a really good threat to the tag division" Nikki says "I mean i guess but does Rhea even know?" I ask "No but i think its better if you tell her urself get to know each other better you will have a match 2 weeks after elimination against Carmella
and Zelina vega if you guys win u go to Wrestlemania this is a big opportunity i would not waste it if i was you see you next week liv" Nikki says giving me a side hug before walking away.

"So you and Rhea have to be a Tag Team now?"my sister asked as we walked towards Sonya's hotel room "Sadly yes i think they gave my push to Brie since she is doing so well which sucked because I really wanted to be Raw Women's Champion so bad I've been working my ass off these past few months all to be stuffed into another random tag team." i say "Well its not all bad you could always win the tag titles plus Rhea is so nice you could not have a better partner!" Savannah squeals "I guess" i say before knocking on Sonya's door "Hey guys" Sonya says before engulfing us both in a hug "Come in" she says i walk in and as soon as i see Rhea my stomach drops i just flash a smile.

A few hours had gone by i found myself not talking much ever since my match i felt dizzy and sick i thought the feeling would just go away but it did not and it got worse the more i drank and when im stressed all i do is drink till I'm black out drunk "Hey are u okay you don't look so good?" Savannah asks "Yeah i'm fine just give me a minute" i say before feeling the tightening of my throat and the sudden need to throw up run to the bathroom and lock the door and immediately vomit in the toilet.
A few seconds later i hear a knock on the door "Hey liv are u okay in there?" I hear the voice say from the other side soon realised it was rhea i unlock the door without saying anything after i begin to Continue to vomit down the toilet.

Rhea's POV 
I hear the door click as i walk in i see Liv vomiting in the toilet i lock the door and slowly walk over to her "Hey" i say in a soft tone i hold her hair back and stroke her back as she continues to throw up "Liv what happened are u okay? Too many drinks? I ask i hear a giggle from liv "No i don't know i just i felt dizzy and sick since my match earlier but i didn't tell anyone about it because i thought i was fine and i am" liv says before she stands up and suddenly falls back into me " Hey your not fine you can barely stand" I say "No" liv says she pushes me away "I'm fine i really am rhea stop worrying i'm going home" liv says she opens the bathroom door and leaves this chick i swear drives me crazy.

I exit the bathroom "Hey guys where did liv go?"i ask
"She left like 5 minutes ago why is everything okay she did look pale?" Mandy asks "shit i have to go make sure she gets back to her hotel room okay it nice hanging out with u guys" i say i hear a faint noise of byes before grabbing my phone and rushing out the door i immediately spot Liv half way down the hallway "Liv slow down!" I shout i rush down making it just in time as she was barely standing as soon as i reach her she collapses into my arms.

Hey I'm sorry this story took so long to write i had major writers block 😭 and i did not know how to start it and i hope u readers enjoy it if you have any suggestions please comment them i'd love to hear some cannot wait to see what happens between these 2!


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