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Rhea's POV
I pick liv up bridal style and carry her back to my hotel room i can't leave her alone like this we make it to my room i swipe my card to unlock my door and gently put liv down on the bed and she wakes up "shit" i hear "You feeling any better?" i ask "Still awful." She says rubbing her eyes "Why don't you stay here tonight you don't look good at all" i say
"No really its fine" she says "Here put this on and go back to sleep" i say i throw her one of my shirts out my suitcase since sleeping in jeans would not be comfortable "Thanks" she says before going in the bathroom to change i leave her some water and meds next to the bedside knowing full well liv is gonna get a bad hangover in the morning as im doing so my phone pings and i get an unexpected email from vince i open the email while liv is in the bathroom changing in the bathroom.

" She says rubbing her eyes "Why don't you stay here tonight you don't look good at all" i say"No really its fine" she says "Here put this on and go back to sleep" i say i throw her one of my shirts out my suitcase since sleeping in jeans would no...

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(fake email 😭)

"Dam it" i sigh "Hey whats up?" liv says surprising me since i thought she was still in the bathroom "Did you know about this?" I ask while handing her the phone "Oh um yeah but i only just found out today sorry to disappoint you" she says "Oh im not disappointed just surprised thats all to be put into another tag team so fast after last time Well just don't betray me like Nikki ash " i say which makes liv laugh as she says "yeah don't worry i wont".

Liv gets into the other side of the bed and i make sure there is space between us so she isn't uncomfortable "Goodnight liv" i say "Goodnight Rhea" i hear back really quietly as i turn to see liv fast asleep.

Liv's POV:
I wake up in the middle of the night shivering i check my phone to see its 4 in the morning my head felt like it was banging i always regret drinking as my hangovers in the morning are the worst i take the meds and water rhea left bedside get up i look over to see if rheas awake but she was fast asleep i walk across the room forgetting i'm in one of rheas shirts which was quite big on me to turn the heating on just my luck to see that it was broken and they had the air conditioning on which made the room even colder "Hey liv what are u doing up?" I hear from across the room i look over to realise that rhea had woken up "Oh erm i was just cold thats all" i say as i walk back over getting back into bed "Did u turn the heating on?" she asks "Its broken" i sigh "Well we can always yk cuddle for body warmth?" rhea says
My cheeks go bright red before i reply "I-I mean only if your comfortable with it" i say "Of course just scoot over" she says i move over toward rhea and she wraps her muscular arms around me and i wrap mines around her stomach "Is this okay?" She asks "Yeah this is fine" i mumble before i fall asleep with my head buried in her neck.

So sorry im not updating much at the moment 😭 i don't really have much motivation to write and i have bad writers block so sorry for the chapters taking so long im not sure when i will update my other story i kinda want to focus on this one for now but i have many ideas so expect more chapters soon.💞


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