chapter 2

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T/w: mentions of child abuse, child death, self harm. If you are sensitive to any of these things please skip.

Y/n pov still:

My whole world was changing. Evan was dead, Elizabeth was crushed to death by circus baby because she took Ice cream from her, Micheal would take the beatings for me, but sometimes he wasn't home and would come home seeing me blue and black.

Recently I had been reading fantasy books about fairy tales. My favorite was the lost Boys of neverland and snow white and the Severn dwarfs. Micheal knew I like them, and I would think they were not real. He supported me though he knew they were real, and there was a place called storybooke where they all came to life.

Through the days the beatings got worse and it would often be when Micheal wasn't home. They got so bad I would hide in our room until he came in and "saved" me like he normally would. A lot of the time I would be crying, and all he could do was hug me.

I was always blamed for the killing of Evan and Elizabeth. They never cared for me, to them all I was, what I truly was, was a puppet in their little show controlled by the man that would beat me till I was bleeding and a about to pass out. Its not like they cared or anything.

Micheal's pov:

Everyday, I would run home knowing y/n would get blamed and beaten for the death of my siblings. Most days I got there quick enough but others I didn't.
Many of times, I found them in the corner, crying their eyes out.

Just like when Lizzy was alive, I would comfort her and clean the wounds. Today, was the worse beating so far, she had a beer bottle shards in her head, a black eye, and some deep cuts up her arms. I went to get the tweezers and some disinfectant, carefully dabbing at the wounds until they stop bleeding and they were clean.

Even though they were my age, I would still sing her a lullaby until she fell asleep in my arms. Sometimes I would worry about her, and sometimes she really cannot hide the fact that her arms were bandaged up. There was a bloody knife on the sink in the bathroom. And that's why I knew she would self harm.
I assumed it was a self comforting thing but the more drunk william got the more she would cut.

All I wanted was for her to be safe and have a happy life. But that was never going to happen while we still lived under his roof.

T/w over read on if you want to.

Shortly after, I fell asleep with y/n in my arms, and I fell into a sleepless sleep.

Y/n pov:

I had am awful dream. It was about william beating me again, but this time Micheal wasn't there to save me this time though. And I died from blood loss.

I wanted to scream but I knew Micheal would get scared. I woke up and became less groggy and picked up my favorite book, the lost Boys of neverland. I read it until I thought 'I should probably  get some food for the both of us'.

I crept put of our room then walked as quietly as possible down the stairs. Luckily William was asleep, so I opened the cupboard and got a couple of bags of crisps, Pepsi, and skittles. Then I crept back up the stairs.

During the time, I was gone, Micheal had woken up and realised I had gone. When I walked in I handed him one of each of the items I brought and told him to eat. He was the best brother I could have ever gotten and I wouldn't change him for the world.

A/n: if you ever need to talk about things or struggle with self harm I am always free to chat. I have struggled myself so I understand.

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