Don't leave me

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Summary: so this one kind of  has plot. its not much tho. Louis works at a cafe, the boys all live in apartments next to each other. I'm kinda proud of this one, its pretty fluffy. really fluffy. actually pure fluff. I'm also terribly sorry i'm horrible at writing kissing scenes. oh and niall is an amazing friend. i'll let you read it

Harry 20, Louis 22

Warning: This one does have depictions of an eating disorder, but it isn't discussed much. READER DESCRETION IS ADVISED. also some sexual references. and its a little sad. 

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Louis' eyes fluttered open. Beyond the curtain covering the window, the sun was radiating a golden beam. Louis stretched his legs out and realised Harry was still sprawled across his chest. He smiled and stroked Harry's hair. Harry shifted slightly and let out a small sigh.

"C'mon Harry, let's get up."

"Stay," Harry murmured, hugging Louis tighter. He wanted to stay with Louis in his warm embrace all day.

"I have work. And you promised Niall to go to the mall with him."

Right. Harry forgot about that. "Fine." Harry grumbled and reluctantly let go of Louis. Louis left the bed, leaving Harry to lie in cold silence. He felt lonely without Louis near him, even though he was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Harry laid there for a bit, then got up and went into the bathroom. Louis was just rinsing his mouth. Harry stood there for a moment, watching as Louis wiped his mouth with a towel.

"Did you sleep alright?" Louis walked over to where Harry stood.

"Yeah." Harry smiled.

Louis stared at Harry's dimples. They were so perfect. He reached out and poked one with his finger.

"Hey!" Harry grabbed Louis' hand and pulled it away from his face. He stared into Louis' eyes. They were just so... blue. Harry couldn't help but smile.

"You're staring." Louis pointed out, grinning.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm in love with Lou," Harry sang.

"Oh my god." Louis' cheeks went pink.

"And all his little things."

"Shut up you idiot." Louis tried not to smile, but it didn't work. He looked like a goofily grinning like a 5 year old.

"Never." Harry replied, smirking.

He leaned down slightly and met his lips with Louis. They twirled around the bathroom until Harry's back hit a wall. He pushed deeper into the kiss, his tongue swirling in Louis' mouth. He tasted like mint.

Louis lifted himself up onto his tiptoes. He ran his hands through Harry's hair, and pressed his body against Harry's. Harry responded by grabbing the back of Louis' neck. They didn't leave where they stood, both boys in pure bliss.

Louis pulled away for a second. "You have horrible morning breath," He panted, catching his breath. Harry smirked, and Louis pressed his lips back on Harry's. Harry ran his hands through Louis' hair. Both boys clung to each other, not wanting the moment to end. Louis reached under Harry's shirt, his hands fluttering on Harry's warm skin.

Harry inhaled quickly. Louis' fingers felt like little sparks on his back. Louis pressed harder against Harry's leg, and Harry could feel a hard lump through Louis' pants. He reached behind himself and pulled at his shirt, breaking off the kiss in the process. Louis pulled the shirt over Harry's head and Harry went to lift Louis' off as well.

"Go any further and I'm leaving. After throwing up."

Both boys jumped a foot in the air. Niall was standing in the bathroom door, with a look of amusement mixed with disgust.

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