Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I was prepared for something like this. I looked at every angle. Although, admittedly, I thought I'd have the night. Luca's driver takes us to the docks. It's early evening and the summer breeze coming off the lake it almost comforting in a weird way, as if reminding me I've got this.

Luca is on the phone, standing by the dock, talking in hushed voices.

The driver, Nico, unloads a few bags onto the yacht.

I look at it wearily. I wasn't prepared to run away. Tonight.

Luca gets off the phone then comes to me, offering me his hand. I smile shakily and take it, letting him lead me to the boat.

"This is so nice!" I clap my hands together in fake excitement. I sound like a high school cheerleader on crack.

"I knew you'd love it. We'll be to Canada by morning," he kisses me.

"Wait," I clear my throat. "Really?"

He nods. "I can't risk anything happening to you. Until the dust settles with the Donnellys, we're running away for a bit."

I nod in understanding, trying to contain my panic.

"I promise, we'll be back once everything is settled. You liked that house, didn't you? When I saved you the first time?"

Saved me?

I nod, "I loved it," I croak.

"Good," he smiles, "I'd love to fill that house with our children."

I fight the feeling of wanting to vomit.

"Luca," I breathe as he leads me further onto the boat. "I..."

"What is it?" he asks, concern lacing his face. His nose is bright red again. I can see the dazed look in his eyes and I know he's high again. I have to be careful. He's unpredictable.

"My sister," I blink, looking down, pretending to be torn.

Luca steps back, looking apprehensive.

Please, please, let me go.

"Baby," he steps closer, "I'll protect your sister. I can't promise the same for the rest of your family."

I suck in a harsh breath.

"No, it's not that," I shake my head, blinking, "I know what has to happen. I know my choice."

That sick feeling circulates and dips in my stomach. If he lays a hand on my family, I'll kill him.

"But Martina," I tell him, grabbing his hands, "She's innocent. And you have no idea what it means to me that you'll protect her from this...but...I can't leave without saying goodbye." I feel bad using my sister like this. She would understand.

He grips my hands. I hope mine aren't clammy with nerves.

"I'm sorry. I can't risk taking you back yet."

"Luca," I plead with my eyes, "I want to leave with you. I do. God, I'd love nothing more. But I can't leave without saying bye to her! She needs me."

Luca kisses my forehead, "I'm sorry, my love. We'll be back soon. I promise."

Okay. This isn't going exactly according to plan. I would have loved nothing more than to disappear back into the night and wait for the Donnellys to swarm Luca's house in the suburbs. Instead, I'm on a yacht about to take a nighttime cruise to Canada.

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