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You gripped a firearm tightly in your hand. You were cold and wet from the rain. The sun had set just moments before and it was starting to get dark. Though you  tried to ignore it a sense of dread pulled at your mind.  Your commander, graves.. had sent you and other shadows down to Las Almas after soap and ghost had slipped through his fingers. You were cleaning up after his mistakes.

" you gettin' scared, dude? " shadow 3-2 mocks another shadow over the radio. His tone was shifty- making you snap back to reality.

" I'm not fuckin' scared bro. I'm not stupid either. " shadow, 3-1 clicked his radio in discomfort.

Shadow 3-1 Stoped for a moment, pausing to let out a deep sigh. "Any movement over there? It's quite here... Narcos got outta Doge. It's not them I'm worried about anyway..."

The air fell quiet for just a moment before the other shadow replied  " I thought you said you're not scared..."

" I'm worried, worried is different then scared "

" same fuckin' thing "

" No it's not, it's not the same thing at all. "

" im telling you right now, don't let these guys get in your head. " a little to late for that 3-2. You thought to yourself. They were already freaking you out. Everyone was on edge and anxiously expecting a sudden attack from behind.

" so your telling' me when you see that big boy with the skull face you're not gonna start sweatin'? "

" I'm not gonna see him— "

" you're right, you won't see him. It's to late if you see him, you're fuckin dead already "

your were starting to get  sick of there argument, it only helped but add to your nerves.

" okay 3-1, 3-2 you guys need to quit it- " mid sentence a glass bottle cracked on the wall behind you. You spun around wrapping your feet like rope. With your legs twisted in a knot you were swept to the ground , with a harsh; " FUCK. "

" Shit! Solo you good? " shadow 3-1 ran over and pulled you to your feet.

" ah- I'm fine! "  you pushed him hands off your shoulders " 3-1 did you get a visual? " you frantically looked around the lobby, the fall had cost you valuable time.

" no visual " he sighed " what was that? "

" a glass bottle. Someone tried to distract us. " you swiped your hands over your uniform in an effort to rid yourself of the muddy soil and the grit that was clinging to your protective vest.

" well it worked " 3-1 gridded his teeth. " We need to check the buildings. " 3-1 Stepped around you heading towards the building behind you.

" 3-1 wait, if they were trying to distract us then they would have thrown the bottle in the opposite direction... follow me "

You led him across the fountain to what once was a beautiful blue building, bathed in warm light, had now fallen into gloom from the rain and death that had washed over it, taking away the light and the cheerfulness. A white billboard read the name la dulce. This was once a sweets shop, but now, it remained barren and still, but the slightest breeze blew through the shop, bringing cold air inside. At the end of the shop was an open door, through which the wind drifted

" he must of cut through here to get past us, " a frustrated sigh fell past your lips.

" what are you waiting for? head down the Ally " 3-1 pushed past you threw the door

" on my way! " you chased after him and nearly fell forward on your feet, but regained traction and quickly chased after him. You jogged through the alley, past the clothing store, which had bright yellow flickering lights above. You both entered, and before you could take in your surroundings at all, he was already gone down a hallway. That hallway had no lighting at all, the only light source a dull glow from behind, it somehow made the shadows seem darker than they should have been...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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