Meeting Him-Prologue

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I was so nervous, pulling in the parking lot to the restaurant to meet Him. During our conversations he was always respectful and left me wanting to get to know Him more. He had been so respectful and attentive, like no one had ever been. He allowed me to share parts of myself that I had been ashamed of for as long as I can remember. When we finally met, in person, He sat there seemingly enthralled, absorbing all that I was saying, never missing when I would look away in shame, before gently speaking grace and understanding over whatever past trauma or insecurity was plaguing me. He was gentle and kind, yet firm and supportive. He was everything I had never known to exist outside of a book with a romantic title. Surely this couldn't get any better, right?


There were desires and parts of myself that I had longed to explore, things that I had only fantasized about and had only shared with one other person who had used my fantasies in a sick and twisted way, using it as a way to control and manipulate me. That experience had left me untrusting of ever allowing anyone to hold that type of power over me again.

But that all changed in one conversation with Him. He listened to me retell my trauma, and saw the pain and heard the hurt and anger in my voice as I spoke of all I have experienced in my lifetime. He was kind to me. He didn't pity me or look down on me for my trauma. He looked at me as though I am a warrior who had conquered and slayed a monster of epic proportions. He saw me as strong. He recognized my strength at a time when I couldn't see it all the time, and he told me how strong I was. He spoke life and kindness and strength over me and allowed me to see myself as a warrior, not a victim. He allowed me to be powerful! He didn't put me down or use my traumas against me but told me exactly how strong I am for enduring and surviving all of it.

That day is when I truly became His.

I told him about my desire for submission to a Dominant that I could trust to care for me and my boundaries. He was receptive and had experience as a Dominant, and the conversations over limits, and consent began. He was always gentle when I had a question, he didn't think me stupid for asking a question that I felt like I should know the answer to. The conversations filled me with peace and a sense of longing. I wanted to belong to Him in every way. I wanted Him to claim me, to make me His. I wanted to gift this wonderful man with my submission. The conversations continued and we set a day, a day that I will always remember.

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