Pasta Galore

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"What the hell was that?" exclaimed Ekaterina.

The thunderstruck commanders gathered together to witness Blue Division's defeat at the hands of Saunders' secret weapon. 

"Pool didn't do what I think she just did?" asked Earl Grey.

"Oh yeah she did," said Manami.

"Manami you can't let those louts defeat you!" cried Ekaterina.

The Kuromorimine commander removed her smoked black glasses and leaned back in her chair.

"Doesn't matter whether we beat them or not. They've made one hell of a mark on Sensha-dō."

Colt wiped the saliva from his mouth and began to slowly open his eyes. He raised his head and immediately roared in pain. 

"Son of a bitch!" he groaned.

He looked up at the metal interior of the tank and quickly remembered where he slept. Behind him in the turret Kay squatted down and addressed him.

"You alright?" asked Kay. 

Colt rubbed his head. "Just dandy."

He noticed Kay attempting to hide a laugh and became suspicious. 

"What did you do?" he asked nervously. 

With no response, Colt opened the driver's hatch to find a seagull staring back at him. Colt's skin turned white as a sheet as he shooed away the avian and looked outside. Below him the blue blanket of water and above him the metal exterior and whirling blades of the Tarhe. Colt quickly retreated inside the tank to find Kay unable to control her laughter.

"You're a sick woman you know that!" he barked.

Still laughing, Kay put her hand on Colt's shaking arm. 

"Don't worry man," she breathed. "We're approaching Saunders soon." 

"We damn better be!"

A few minutes later the helicopter swooped down towards the school ship and towards the rest of the gang looking up amusingly. The Tahre dropped the tank down in front of the group and Kay joyfully jumped out and opened the driver's hatch for Colt. 

"We're here cowboy," she giggled.

Colt shakily climbed out of the tank and wiped his mouth. Remington made his way over and was about to speak but was cut off by Colt.

"If you say a single word, I might just kill you," snarled Colt.

"Aww ruin our tighty whities did we?" said Remington anyway.

Colt moaned and ignored Remington's remark and made his way past the group. 

"Go study these new tanks!" Colt called back. "I need the shitter."

Kay rolled her eyes and ran up to join Colt. 

Later inside the school, Kay patiently leaded up against a wall and waited for Colt to leave the restrooms. As he did, he put away his phone and began making his way down the hall with Kay following.

"So, do you want a lift to Anzio?" asked Kay.

Colt stopped and turned to face Kay with a confused expression. She held her own phone up and showed him the welcoming poster sent out by Anzio students. Colt closed his eyes and groaned.

"They sure know how to make things confidential," smirked Kay.

"Holy Christ let's not do this again Kay please," he sighed.

Kay laughed and jokingly punched his shoulder. "Chill man. Everything's all good. Come on, then when we get back, we'll do some training."

Colt breathed a sigh of relief and punched Kay's shoulder in return. The two laughed as they made their way towards the airfield where a Huey was waiting. Inside Emma sat at the controls with Winchester next to her.

"Hey guys!" she beamed.

"Good to see you again kid," smiled Colt.

"You too," she replied.

"Gatling's bound to be pissed when he finds out we took his helicopter," exclaimed Winchester.

Colt scoffed. "Probably, but he owes me for arranging his Vietnam holiday."

The helicopter's rotors began to rapidly turn and soon the four were airborne. 


The Anzio school ship eventually came into view causing Emma to fly the Huey down towards the Colosseum. A large gathering of Anzio students, as well as students from other schools assembled below. Cameras and phones recorded the helicopter touching down and the smiling Colt stepping out. As the vehicle powered down the crowd, led by Anchovy, swarmed Colt. 

Hands were shaken, hugs were given, and pictures were taken by the adoring crowd. Kay and Anchovy watched in amusement in the background along with Emma and Winchester. One girl in a blue uniform with pinkish red hair rushed over to Colt.

"Please sign my cup!" she excitedly cried.

Colt obliged. "I didn't expect to see a St. Gloriana girl here."

"Understandable, but I'm a huge fan!"

"And what's your name miss?" he asked.

"Names Rosehip man... I mean commander... I mean sir!" she stuttered.

 Meanwhile the two commanders watched as Colt conversated with his new friend.

"I should've known she'd show up," remarked Kay.

"Yeah, but a pain in the ass trying to sneak her here without Darjeeling knowing," replied Anchovy.

Kay smiled. "Thanks, Anchovy, for... well you know."

"Hey no problem," she replied. 

Emma soon appeared next to Winchester with a grim look on her face. She whispered in his ear and soon he shared the same expression. The two looked at the joyful Colt mingling with the students.

"Should we tell him?" asked Emma.

"Yes," replied Winchester. "But not now."

With the group back in Saunders, Winchester marched over to Colt with Kay onlooking in confusion. She also noticed Emma shakily step out of the Huey with her phone shaking in her hand. Winchester grabbed Colt's shoulder. 

"What's wrong my man?" asked Colt while still bearing a smile.

"You know that guy that was looking after you in America, the Indian?" said Winchester.

"Yeah," said Colt nervously.

Winchester sighed and removed his hat. This gesture and Emma's saddened expression made Colt's heart sink. 

"I'm sorry brother," said Winchester. "He's... well passed away."

Colt's only response was to close his eyes and lower his head. Kay noticed something was wrong and slowly walked over to them.

"How? When?" Colt shakily asked.

 "That Charles feller told Emma it was a heart attack, sometime last night."

"What's wrong?" asked Kay.

Colt began to turn away from the pair. 

"Nothing," he whispered.

"Don't even think about lying to me man. What's up?" Kay asked as she grabbed Colt by the shirt and pulled him towards her.

"I lost another father," replied Colt.

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