Yellow Rose

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That evening a massive celebration followed. Various schools joined Saunders in feasting on Anzio's food. As Colt was talking to students from Chi-Ha-Tan he noticed the Blue Division commander approach him. He concluded his meeting and addressed El.

"Funny seeing you here," said Colt.

"Diablo de Hierro," El greeted. "I had a feeling you'd think that."

"I hope there's no hard feelings, in regard to... well you know," said Colt referencing their match.  

El chuckled. "Of course not, I was actually hoping you would win."

"Really?" asked Colt.

"If anyone's gonna beat you it's gonna be Blue Division, you can count on it."

Colt scoffed. "There's not a lot that scares me, but those Panzer Is and IIs surely do."

El frowned before Kay came into the conversation. 

"Hey, you!" said Kay while pulling at Colt's ear. "Don't be rude to our guests."

"God damn woman, do you mind?" Colt grumbled.

"Not a lot that scares you huh?" remarked El.

"Hey El, you won't believe what I did him," said Kay excitedly while softly tapping Colt's cheek.

"Okay okay okay! Christ! Forgive me commander!" cried Colt.

El laughed in response. "I'll see you around Uncle Colter."

As she left Kay out her arm around Colt's shoulder. 

"Hey, I heard from your crew that you hurt your waist, you all good?" she asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that," confessed Colt. 

He led the commander behind a Sherman away from the still celebrating students. 

"I'm uh... resigning."

"What?" asked Kay.

"I don't think I'm fit to serve in a tank, at least for now. My command will go to Winchester if that's alright with you of course."

Kay thought for a while with her hands on her hips.

"What um... will you do instead?" she softly asked.

"The Federation have offered me a position; what it is I don't know yet. But I'll be around don't worry."

Kay smiled. "Yeah, it just won't be the same though. I mean are you sure about doing this, the boys will be devastated and so will the girls."

"I know, and yeah, I'm sure. I'll announce my leave a few days from now."

Kay stood at attention and saluted her friend. "Thank you, Colt for your services to Saunders. It was really fun serving with you."

After returning the saluted, Colt lunged at Kay and hugged her tightly. 

"Thank you, for everything. Look after my boys for me please."

"Of course," replied Kay.    

"Come on let's get back to the party," smirked Colt.

The two returned to the Saunders boys and girls conversating with the other students. 

"Gentlemen, how about a song?" 

The boys cheered in agreement with Smith starting before the whole team joined in.

"There's a yellow rose in Texas I'm going there to see,
No other feller knows her nobody known to me,
She cried so when I left her, it like to broke my heart,
And if we ever meet again we'd never walk apart.

She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew,
Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew,
You may talk about your Clementine and sing of Rosa Lee,
But the Yellow Rose of Texas is the only girl for me."

-A Few Months Later- 

Kay peered through her binoculars, through the leaves and twigs she spotted it. After putting away her binoculars she took out her phone, and suddenly realized it was staring back at her. She remained still as a warm hand lay on her shoulder. 

"Magnificent, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Kay whispered.

The moose produced several grunts before wandering off deeper into the woods. Kay stood up and quickly snapped a picture with her friend picking up their gear behind her.

"That was awesome," Kay said quietly. 

"I know, never gets old," replied Colt. "You ready to head back?"


The two climbed onto their horses and departed the area. They soon returned to Colt's cabin and after putting away their steeds Colt carried Kay inside. Once inside she hopped off Colt's back and sat in front of the fireplace. 

"I'm so glad I came," said Kay. "Best ride of my life."

Colt chuckled in response. "So, you ready to head back to Japan?"

"Hell no!" Kay objected. 

Colt laughed. "Yeah, I didn't think so. So, I was thinking since it's our last night here, I thought we could get us some drinks, wrap a blanket around us and watch Semovente, Prepare a Coffin." 

"Ugh why that one, you're awful in that one!" teased Kay.

"Hey, screw you!" replied Colt.

The two laughed before Kay put her hand on Colt's shoulder.

"Hey, thanks again for taking me here, it was nice to get away from Japan for a little bit."

"Of course, and hey you're lucky you get to continue doing Sensha-dō while I have to do inspection shit." 

"Oh my God stop whining you baby," Kay remarked as she made her way to the fridge and pulled out several bottles of cola.

She returned to the living room and laid down on the couch and plonked her head on Colt's lap. With the blankets draped over them they stared at the screen. Kay quoted the first line of the film.

"Let's give 'em hell."

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