Chapter 41

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The peace that fell over Hyunjin was weirdly overwhelming. Like all the evil in the world had been defeated, like she could rest assured now. She felt so calm, she could even feel her friends' scents reaching her nose as the pain that distracted her started to heal.


She opened her eyes, and Jiwoo was right by her side, falling on her knees and resting a hand on her hair.

"You're okay!" Jiwoo smiled, and soon Jungeun and Heejin came into view, widened eyes at her.

"They can still be lurking around somewhere, let's take her, quick," Jungeun said.

Jiwoo nodded, and an arm came around Hyunjin's neck and under her knees, elevating her aching body into Jiwoo's chest.

"He's gone," Hyunjin mumbled, as if she couldn't believe it herself yet.

"We know." Jiwoo sprinted, carrying her. "We were fighting and suddenly they called for retreat, saying the leader was gone."

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yes, we're all alive and well."

"Thank the Goddess..."

Hyunjin allowed her eyes to close and her body to relax in Jiwoo's arms as they made their way back. She could hear faint voices becoming clearer, but not the chaos of screams and pain that had taken over just a while back.

But as Jiwoo came to a stop, the sudden silence made Hyunjin open her eyes.

Tons of people frozen in place, staring at her with dropped chins or smiles.

"She's alright!" Jiwoo said.

The silence turned into a burst of cheering and applause.

"Can you stand?" Jiwoo asked.


Carefully, Jiwoo let her down, and Heejin was by her side that same second, holding her arm. She took a better look around the hall. Hyejoo kneeled, eyes shining at Hyunjin, her hand pressing a cloth to Yves' forehead, who rested her back against the wall. Half of her face was covered in blood, but still, she offered Hyunjin a small smile. Chaewon stood by Hyejoo, a hand on her shoulder, her shining, brand new sniper rifle leaning on the wall behind her. Heejin's friends sat with Ryujin at one corner, close to Yeonjun and his friends who helped them earlier, with two other vampire boys. Some wore relieved smiles, others looked down, as if in shame.

No one else was by them, but there was a bigger group of vampires on the other side, sitting in circle with a few slayers standing around them. Those, though, didn't seem very happy in general.

A small group of medics tended to the injured ones, laying down on the ground. Vivi herself, with her clothes stained in blood, rushed from one person to another, checking their injuries, but stopped for a second when she noticed Hyunjin standing at the entrance. She approached her, and bowed at her.

"I don't have enough words to express my gratitude," Vivi said before straightening herself. "We won this battle thanks to you."

"No, please, you all fought amazing. We won this together," Hyunjin said.

Vivi smiled. "We'll take care of everything from here. Please, go home and rest."

"What are you gonna do to the vampires that surrendered?"

"I'm thinking about it. Don't worry, we're not killing anyone else tonight, unless the ones who stayed try and attack us. We'll take them to the headquarters, and I give you my word that we will not hurt them, but we might have to keep them arrested for safety at first. I never expected it, but more vampires turned to our side and helped us fight."

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