Chapter 18. Official

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I cradled her face in my hands as tears ran down her cheeks. I used my thumb to wipe them off and pecked her forehead.

"You okay?"

Danielle nodded.

"Be honest with me, princess. Are you okay?"

Dani shook her head a "no".

I lifted her up and carried her to the living room and sat down.

"Where does it hurt, baby?"

"H-he g-groped my b-b-breasts and it h-hurts." She sobbed.

I laid her head on my shoulder.

"Shhh. It's gonna be fine now, baby. I'm here. I won't let any one hurt you no more." I cooed as I rocked her.

After she calmed down (15 minutes later), I got up and walked us upstairs.

I went in my room and laid her down on my bed but she held on to me tightly.

"S-stay, please."

"I will, princess. I'm just going downstairs for a while."

"N-no." She clutched on to me tightly.

"Baby-"My eyes softened, "Okay."

[The Hybe found out about Danielle and that you have a girlfriend. She's a target for the Hybe, boss.]

I sighed when Jake said that.

Danielle was sleeping soundly in her bed. while I was talking to Jake, Sunoo and Hyein about what happened.

How did they know?

"None and not sure, but on it." Jake said.

I looked down at Dani and folded my lips.

We move tomorrow at 10

"What do we tell Dani?" Sunoo asked.

"Eunchae." Jake drawled out.

"I-I'm breaking it."

"But you know how important to code of silence is, Haerin." Hyein said.

"So? She'll be my woman and I have to tell her tomorrow. If she doesn't accept it, I'll kill her."


"Hey, can we talk?" Haerin said with a cold face.

"Hey, yeah. Wassup?"

"I- I'm in the mafia and just broke Eunchae to tell you." She said sarcastically.

I hummed.

"I'm an ex-soldier."

"I'm not joking." I looked at her and saw that her eyes were stone cold and her face show no sign of emotion.

"Wait-" I took a step back and grabbed on to the knife.

"I-I have t-to go." I stuttered.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh o-out."

Haerin raised her brow, and I walked shakily pass her.

I have to leave. She'll kill me.

"Not so fast." I felt a cold metal against my temple and froze. I slowly looked at her, and felt the metal now against my mouth.

A gun...


"Do you think I'm going to hurt you, Dani?"

"I mean, there's a gun pressed to my face."

"Do you trust me?"

I nodded.

"Do you really?" Haerin chuckled, "You were just about to runaway."


Haerin rolled her eyes.

'J-just p-pull the tr-trigger."

"You're making this really hard."

"There are 2 things can make hard. THAT and the decision to kill me. So which?" I smirked and stepped closer to her.

I watched her face morphed into a shocked one.

I took the gun from her and opened the part where the bullets are and emptied it. I let the bullets fall to ground and then I dropped the gun.


Things moved quicker than could process, because the next thing I know, our lips were connected and she was gripping my throat.

I moaned into her mouth and wrapped my arms around her neck and jumped up on her waist.

Haerin placed her hand on my butt and walked us to the island and made me sit down. With her fingers still wrapped around my throat, I held her hand and pulled her closer to me.

She removed her hand from my neck and kissed down my neck. I leaned back, giving her more access to my flesh, as she left love bites on my neck.

"Be mine and mine only Dani."

"I thought was already yours?" I breathed.

"Not officially." She licked my flesh and I let out a moan.

"Mmm, are you asking me out?"

"I don't do dates."

I laughed and held her head as she settled down on my breasts.

"There'll be a change to that."

"Nope. Dates are stupid. If taking you out on a date needs to prove my love for you then you won't get that."

"Why don't you like to go on dates?"

"No reason in specific. I just find it stupid, because if a date shows love,

then what am for? To shower you in money?"

"That didn't make any sense."

"I know what I mean. You don't."

"Whatever. So we're official?"

"Did I ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"You son of a bi-"

"I'm just joking." She laughs, "and yes, we are official."



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