Chapter Two

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Mia drags me into the half way filled auditorium.

"Sorry, we're really early. I just wanted good spots, it seems that others have had the same idea" Mia says "Oooo and I knew that if we came early we could find hot guys and introduce ourselves"

"Mia, noooo"

My heart ached. I never told Mia about what happened this summer. She just knew that I was starting over and moving on. I'm sure it'll come out eventually, but right now it is too fresh to think about. Mia pulls me from my thoughts by dragging me over to an incredibly good-looking group of guys.

Here we go.

"Hi, mind if we sit by your guys?" Mia asks flirtatiously, she just has this natural light spirit like anyone can talk to her.

"No not at all" One boy replies with a smile, Mia and I go to sit down seeing as the other girls from our floor disappeared "I'm Logan by the way, and this is my roommate Brad"

"Nice to meet you boys, I'm Mia and this is my roommate Peyton"

I look up and lock eyes with the most beautiful man I have ever seen. His brown hair styled lightly, blue green eyes shining and damn a strong jawline. Before I realize that I've been staring at this kid like a creep, I introduce myself finally.

"Yeah, hi. It's nice to meet you" I say awkwardly attempting to hold back my blush. I can't believe I'm so awkward, why. Mia doesn't look amused, she knows I don't like people and I can make things very awkward very fast.

Thankfully, Mia and Logan keep up conversation, Brad and I adding in randomly. Every time I would look his way I could feel my face getting as red as my hair. After a grueling 25 minutes, the auditorium was packed full of freshman students and as the lights dimmed I couldn't be more excited to start my future and move on.

"Welcome incoming students, welcome to the University of Washington. We are very pleased to have you here today and we cannot wait to see what this university will allow you to do in the next few years," someone important drones on.

You see, I thought this was going to be fun. Orientation seems like it would be enjoyable, but I guess movies are not what they are all cracked up to be. I sat and listened for what felt like forever and then finally the orientation was coming to an end. I guess now we are going to tour around the campus so we can figure out what is where.

"Okay guys" a welcome week leader said, "So we are going to split you up into smaller groups and each one of us is going to take a full row. Don't move until we come and get you!" an energetic blonde said.

Mia turns towards me, "now that the boring but eventually useful stuff is out of the way, lets have some fun" I smile back, not knowing exactly what to say.

A tall dark haired girl with a UW t-shirt comes by our row. Her name is Brianna.

"Hey guys, so I know that was really boring but let's make this whole orientation thing a little better yeah?" She smiles to her group of freshman. "Where do you guys want to go?"

No one in our group really said anything. Mia pipes in "I mean, I doubt a lot of us will be in the same classes so if you wanted to take us to your favorite places on campus I mean that could be really cool if you wanted"

"Sure" Brianna smiled, "I have a couple of required places I have to take you guys but I'll show you some of my favorite spots on campus" she says warmly.

Looking around it's a small group, only about 15 of us total. Mia, me, and 5 others were girls, the rest were guys. This should be interesting.

Brianna brought us so many different places; my favorite included the walk with all of the trees that had white blossoms on them. I was so impressed. This college campus was much more than I was expecting and it is a lot larger than originally thought. Mia and Logan seemed to really hit it off. They were chatting the entire tour, asking questions and cracking jokes. They made it interesting. I noticed that Brad kid does not talk much, he adds in when need be but that is about it.

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