Chapter Three

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Walking to the party was awkward, well at least for me. Mia and Logan were chatting it up and Brad and I were walking silently. I don't know where this party is, but apparently "anyone who is anyone is going to be there" according to Logan. What a better place to bring a socially awkward person than to a party?

Mia said she plans on drinking, but she won't get trashed, but she might it depends on how well her night is going. I know I'm drinking, I need some liquid confidence if I am ever going to talk to anyone at this place. I heard a bass but it was kind of quiet, not something you would expect. I was thinking something along the lines of project x for my first college party, but then again media sucks and I doubt college is anything like it is portrayed.

As we approached a house, Logan just walked right in, and good thing he did because no one would have noticed us knocking. The house was cute, it had stairs to the right going up stairs and the living room and dining room is straight ahead, I think at least. It is so packed I cannot see anything. Music is blaring to some upbeat song with heavy bass. People are drinking, dancing and at some point, you can't tell where one person ends and the other starts. I thought I wasn't going to look great but most of these girls are wearing a lot less than what I showed up in. Mia pulled me away to get drinks and to probably gush about Logan, man I can't wait to take drunk Mia home and see what she says. I hope I don't say anything stupid either.

Mia made me some weird mixed drink that doesn't taste too bad. She had straight alcohol because apparently she drinks and then she does a cup full of what would be a chaser and then more alcohol depending on how she's feeling. I'm not feeling the best at this party half because I am not good with a lot of new people and half because I don't know anyone. However, I mean I doubt anyone really knows anyone. Logan comes and gets us to introduce his friend, which I guess he went to high school with or played soccer with I don't really know. He's good looking though, his name is Jacob. He seems sweet, he is on the soccer team here which is pretty cool considering not a lot of kids get to continue sports through college.

Mia is having the time of her life, parties are her kind of thing, she is such a little social butterfly. I however am not. I danced for a bit and then I couldn't anymore, I did not know many of the songs and I honestly felt stupid. I do have a nice buzz going on from the alcohol I've been drinking but that's about it. I feel a presence next to me, I looked and it was Brad. Instant butterflies erupted, and then ended when I figured that he just wanted to leave.

"Hey" was all he said.

"Hey" I replied back unsure. "What's up?"

"Not too much, I'm bored. Parties aren't really my thing" he said with a slight shrug.

"Yeah, mine either"

"Want to get out of here?" He asks

"Uh, sure. I mean I have to make sure Mia gets back though so I can't like leave until she does" I explain

"Well, why don't we take a walk then? Then we'll come back, round up Mia and Logan and get them back to the dorms" He asks hopefully.

"Sure" I reply with a smile, "let me just go tell Mia so she doesn't leave before we can get back"

"Okay, I'll do the same with Logan then"

As we part to go our separate ways, I don't really know what to think. Is he wanting to take a walk just to get away? And if so why does he want me to come with him I don't even really know him. And I don't open up to people so if that is his attempt at trying to get in my pants then he has another thing coming. I doubt that is the case though. I spotted Mia in the crowd, a couple boys surrounding her as she's talking animatedly about something.

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