dear secretary. il capitano

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pairing: fem!OC (Axana) x Capitano

pairing: fem!OC (Axana) x Capitano prompt:

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requested by: dearcyno


Axana. A child of Natlan, whom wields an electro vision, chosen by Murata, the Pyro Archon to harness her powers and free the people of Natlan who were once enslaved by the aristocrats of old Mondstadt.

In the present day, she lives her life travelling from nation to nation since she has plenty of time in her hands, now she stops over in the land of frozen winds, Snezhnaya.

To maintain her savings from previous travels she has to work and fortunately for her there was an opening from the Fatui Harbingers. Now, it's not like she doesn't know what the Fatui can do, what type of work but this was one the few things part of travelling, experiencing the thrill and this was definitely that thrill she was looking for. In a situation where things may get messy, Axana knows she can easily protect herself.

Fast forward to her first day, she was hired quickly it was like they were desperate to fill that spot but Axana paid it no mind she was just here to make some mora before she leaves for her next trip. Walking down the halls of the Zapolyarny palace, she walks in quite a haste, she makes a right and sees a door. 'Ah, this must be it.' She looks the door up and down. It was wide and tall, knocking on it gently she heard a shuffle from the inside, "Come in." A voice, deep and husky came from the inside. Axana, opened the door and it revealed a man covered in winter clothing and a metal mask covering his face. 'Wow.' She mentally takes note of her now boss before she greets him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord Capitano. I am Axana, you're newly appointed secretary." She bows slightly and stands straight giving Capitano a warm and kind smile. "The pleasure's all mine." He says as he takes Axana's to give a peck. Axana was flustered by the act but she swears it just the cold.

"Now then I will give you a briefing of your tasks." He says and pulls out a folder from his desk' drawer.


"Note all the important details in meetings, bring you tea and aid you with both your missions and paperwork, yes?" Axana sums her duties as she scans over the work contract one last time. "Yes, that will be all." Capitano says as brings a cup of tea to his face, Axana observes this. 'The tea from the cup was lessened but I saw no lips though.' Axana wondered as she looks at Capitano quizzically. "I will not be answering any answers regarding my face nor this mask I wear." Capitano says snapping Axana out of her thoughts. "I wasn't planning to my lord." She shook her head and sighed. "I agree to the terms and condition." She says and as she passes the folder with her signature printed on the contract.

"Very well then. I am looking forward to our partnership, Axana."

Axana's heart may or may not skipped a beat when she heard her name being said in a such a way. 'Silly heart.'

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