5. The Consultation

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6 years later~

You groaned as you entered your favorite coffee shop from down your university. Hearing a light "DING!" Erupt as you were greeted by the waitresses. Petrichor emanated from the wet grounds outside of the fresh breeze as you closed the heavy door behind you.

You set your umbrella on the side, shaking off the excess water and finding your usual spot. You sat down as you ordered your drink, opening your backpack and taking out your laptop to finish your literature report that was due in a few days. Sighing, you quickly started typing as the waitress brought you your drink. You thanked them as you took a big sip, engulfed in the drink's scent and taste.

'So this is heaven...' You thought.

Quickly turning on your laptop, you started using all your energy to focus and write the best essay you could write in this short, gloomy afternoon. You sat at a small table of 2 at the corner of the room, mainly because the shop was always full of people and never had a good spot for one person. But you liked it because this place was just so warm, cozy, and quiet.

Sakusa on the other hand sat directly on the opposite side of you, brows furrowed but eyes soft with a blush spread around his cheeks looking at the sight of you working so diligently

Oh don't get me wrong, he wasn't stalking you or anything. He actually came in before you. He came here to wait for his lovely cousin Komori. He was actually astonished how he was able to meet you again. Oh he adores being in your presence. It's just you, him, and the 5-meter radius between the two of you.

The loud sound of the doorbell came out once again, making Sakusa shift his gaze towards the front door, "Hey there Saku-" Komori shouted as he waved at Sakusa, who quickly walked over and yanked a hand over his mouth as he pulled him to the corner of the table.

"Will you please shut up and be quiet for a moment?" Sakusa says turning his gaze back towards you, sighing in relief as he realizes you haven't noticed his presence.

"What in the what is going on?"


"Ok, so let me get this straight." Komori sighs as he rubs his temples in circle. "You met our former classmate, Y/N from SIX years ago, at your sister's private lecture. With her completely and utterly forgotten about you, living on campus just A FEW blocks away from your apartment, including having your number, yet you don't have the guts to greet her?"


Komori was losing his mind, but Sakusa was calm. Very calm. Oh no, somebody check his pulse. Still alive? Good.

'I definitely won't go out my way to avoid her... That would be rude.' He thought to himself. He wanted to get to know you! After getting your number and having a few awkward text moments that lasted for a few minutes only, he was able to coincidentally memorise everything he knew about you and your schedule! (It was all just to make sure it doesn't coincide with his.) That much is not out of his way at all! Plus he naturally avoids people, it's just his personality.

Except what if you do talk to him? In that case, he's quiet and calm. If you ask him something, he'll take a few seconds, a deep breath, and then reply. Afterward, he might have to excuse himself to go ask the dust bunnies in the corner if he was lame just now or not.

"I suggest we invite her to sit with us!" He says with a smile about to stand up but failed miserably with Sakusa tugging him harshly back down.

"Have you lost your mind? Have you forgotten that she's completely forgotten about me?" Sakusa says making Komori hiss in cringe by his cousins bluntness.

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