First encounter - 🫶

21 1 2

'Cause anyone who ever had a brain
Wouldnt stand out in the rain
Or keep it up for very long
Just to prove somebody wrong


As you woke up you saw that the music was still playing, you enjoyed this.
Listening to the music in your ears while drifting off to sleep, and hearing it as you wake up. You knew that this would be a good day.

After a few minutes of staring up at the ceiling you decided that you should shower and get dressed for school, you get up and go straight into the shower and turn it on

20 minutes pass by

5:30 am

After you dried yourself off you got dressed and did your hair, you put on your uniform and decided just to put on a simple hairstyle for the day

You checked the time and saw that you were earlier than usual so you thought that you should just eat breakfast right away so while walking to school it would still be somewhat dark and you would be able to see the sunrise

You went downstairs to smell the delicious food your dad has made for you while you also saw your mom helping him

"Hm? oh hello y/n your up earlier than usual today!! Your also dressed! Are you thinking of taking a walk while it's still dark out to school?"
She asked while still helping your dad, your dad was focused "you know me so well mom, what's for breakfast?" you said in your morning voice "we wanted to make your favorite but SOMEONE... bought the wrong ingredients so we're making the food we think you like other than that." She said while bringing the food to the table "ohh thank you! I'll go get the plates" you said as you stood up from your chair to get the plates. You go get the plates and place them on the table as well as some glass cups and water "okay y/n we hope you like it!!" Your dad said as he was smiling "yes, I love it thank you!!" You said as you were eating your food

10 minutes pass by

5:45 am

You were done eating and so were your parents, you got up and got your bag for school.

You go put on your shoes and go to the front door

"Byee!! See you after school!" You said as you were leaving "bye dear, be careful have a good day!" You heard your parents say as you were walking out

When you stepped out of the house the breeze was just perfect and the sky was beautiful, you put on your earphones and started playing music on your phone, your house wasn't far from school and you were early so you decided to take a walk around the area first

30 minutes have passes

6:15 am

You checked the time and thought it was time to go to school classes start at 7:15 anyway, and oh look how convenient you were standing in front of the school. You walked inside the horrific building and went to find your friends

As you were walking you saw your friends so you just ran to them but then you bumped into someone and you fell you looked up to see who it was. It was the kazuha, the person you liked for months now, what is he doing so early? I've never seen him this early he usually comes in like 10 more minutes. You snapped out of your thought and picked up the things that fell out of your tote bag, "oh am so sorry I didn't notice you, here let me help you" he said as he also picked up the books with you, he helped you up and apologized again. "It's fine, really! Thanks for the help." You said with a soft smile "heh.. it's no problem, hope we meet again" he said while also smiling and walking away, You just continued walking to your friends and you realized that they were staring at you the whole time.

Talk to you - kazuha x gender neutral readerWhere stories live. Discover now