Cute little meow meow - 🐈

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You were walking around the park and you stopped as you saw a cute white cat with blue eyes, the cat crawled up to you and you kneeled down to it "hey, are you lost?" You picked up the cat and checked if there was a collar "huh... you don't have an owner?" You were looking around the park and realized you were the only one there "oh, it's just you and me?" You thought about it and decided to bring the cat home, you started walking home with the cat in your arms

 you don't have an owner?" You were looking around the park and realized you were the only one there "oh, it's just you and me?" You thought about it and decided to bring the cat home, you started walking home with the cat in your arms

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"Hey mom, hey dad. Uhh, I bought a cat home, I was wondering if we could keep it, it doesn't have an owner and it looks like it hasn't eaten in days" your parents looked at each other for a while and then nodded to each other "yes, we can keep it, it's adorable!!" You smiled "thanks!! Am gonna go see what I can feed it" you went to see what you could feed it and you found cooked eggs "hm am pretty sure these are safe for cats.." (yes they are the raw ones a big no-no though) you put it in a bowl and the cat started eating "poor thing... ill go find some water for you" you got some water for the cat "hm... ill call your taro" the cat meowed "oh you like that name?" The cat meowed again "alright then" you soon got a text message


Hey y/nnn the whole gc is wondering if we could all hang out Including Kazuha and his friends

Yeah sure when??

Like maybe on the weekend?? Probably Saturday

Alrr I'll see if am free on Saturday

Okkkkk it's gonna be at the opening amusement park 😘😘


Hm, yeah am probably free on Saturday

You heard a knock on the door

Your parents answered it and it was... YOUR COUSIN??

What is he doing here I haven't seen him in years...

"Oh hello, issac!! It's been so long since I've seen you!!! You look all grown up!!!!!!" you heard your mom say, you went to the living room and saw issac "oh hello y/n you look very different from before, the last time I saw you was when you were 10" he said, well no shit... "uhh yeah you too" what was I supposed to say??? You honestly never liked him, he was a complete weirdo and he always thought every girl was obsessed with him, not with that greasy ass hair and dirty white hoodie "anyways, what are you doing here?" You asked "oh yeah, my parents wanted to move to liyue, as you know we used to live in mondstat. And we are also gonna be at the same school" he answered, what. "Anyways am gonna go, I only came here because my mom told me to" he stood up and went "y/n, you should also go visit your aunt!!" your mom said "yea sure, I'll visit her next time" you smiled, you loved your auntie she was the sweetest person ever

Night time

You were getting ready to go to bed and you saw taro, taro cuddled up next to you and it was adorable

You soon went to sleep

Next day

You woke up and saw taro was gone, you looked around and saw taro laying on your chair

You left your room, with the door still open in case taro woke up


"Hey what's for-" you stopped walking when you saw your parents weren't there, weird... they're usually here you saw a note on the table and read it 'hello y/n me and your father will go on a date for the whole day, we haven't gone on a date for a very long time so we thought it would be a good idea to go today. We have some food for you in the fridge and lunch and dinner you can make your stuff'' the note ended there, you opened the fridge and saw fried rice. This will do you are the food

After eating

After you were done eating, you saw taro, you went to feed him food.

After feeding him food you heard a knock on your door

It was hutao!! "Heyy n/n!!" hutao said right as you opened the door "hutao!! Do you need anything?" you asked her "yea actually, I need you to come shopping with me because-" she stopped talking as she heard a meow and she looked behind you to see taro "Y/N YOU HAVE A CAT??" she ran into your home and picked up the cat, that obviously wasn't a good idea because taro scratched her "owie!!" she said while you laughed, "yea I can go shopping with you, though I don't know who can take care of taro," hutao thought and she came up with something "hey! You can ask Kazuha, he also has a cat and he can take care of taro!!" hutao said "you know what, sure I'll text him"

You texted Kazuha and he said yes, now you just need to go shopping with hutao


Heyy so like I haven't made a chapter in like  4 days or smth so sry about that i still have finals goin on so yah... but i promise ill try to make more after finals

Anyways i love a whisker away

Mwah i love you byee

Talk to you - kazuha x gender neutral readerWhere stories live. Discover now