4. {2x21}

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Nik and I had just arrived to the part of the woods where the sacrifice was going to be held, hearing Elena and Greta.

"My duty is to Klaus and Nikole! The new order." Greta stated, I love Greta, she is my greatest friend, besides my sister and brothers. Wait, that kinda seemed pathetic, to clear this up I don't like people enough to be their friend.

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner." Nik smiled at Greta, "Hello, my lovelies... are we ready."

"Greta." I smiled, embracing her with a huge hug, "My beautiful, witchy friend."

"Nikole." She hugged me back.

Jules groaned in pain, since she had a slight delay in her turning.

"Got the moonstone-" Nik reached into his pocket, I guess not feeling the moonstone, "Where is the moonstone?"

"Here." I handed it to him, smiling, "I took it, earlier. When you weren't looking."

"We spent 500 years looking for this. Hate to part with it, don't you?" Nik asked me, I could care less about that stupid little rock.

"Yes, I'm gonna miss the rock, oh, so much." I sarcastically replied, that rock is the problem I'm glad I'll never see that bloody thing again.

"The moon has passed its apex." Greta announced, "Remember everything you two need to do?"

"I remember." Nik replied, looking at me for my answer.

"Oh, of course... I remember." I answered.

Greta dropped the moonstone into the gigantic cauldron, or at least I think it was a cauldron. Fire appeared in the cauldron and Greta started chanting.

"Shall we?" Nik looked at me.

"We shall." I answered him.

I walked up to Oliver and Nik walked to Jules, the flames around them died down.

I walked up to him, "Hello." I greeted him, "I'm Nikole."

"You're going to hurt me. Aren't you?" Oliver asked me, he seemed like he was trembling with fear.

"It depends on wether you run or not." I informed him, "If you wish, I'll grant you a painless death."

"Please?" I assumed he was asking for a painless death. I hugged him, putting my hand around his heart, feeling it beat, "yu gonplei ste odon." I whispered to him as I pulled his heart out, snapping his neck.

I walked to the cauldron, where Nik was waiting for me. We squeezed the hearts of the werewolves in there.

"Does that mean it's working?" Nik asked, Greta referring to the bubbling.

"It's working." She stopped chanting to say.

After we finished, we walked to the vampires.

"Hello, Jenna." Nik greeted her.

"Let her go." Elena stood up, "I understand that I have to die, but she doesn't." Elena got closer to the circle and the flames bigger.

"Careful." My brother said like she was going to break something valuable.

"Elena don't."

"No, Jenna, we can't leave Jeremy without a family!" Elena told her aunt, "I followed your rules, I did everything that you asked. I didn't run! Please."

"Well, well... I don't recall you being on the guest list." Nik said to Stefan.

"I'm here to talk."

"Very well then." My brother responded to him, "Stay here, sister."

𝐌𝐲 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟Where stories live. Discover now