5. {2x22}

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I was walking in the woods, headed towards my brother, I could tell I was close. Vamp hearing did the rest I heard the boys talking about killing.

"Relax, Elijah. All is forgiven."

"Where are they?" Elijah asked Nik.

"In coffins." I answered for him, making myself known, "Hello, Nik. Elijah."

"Nikole." Nik hugged me, "I'll take you to them."

"Nik, wanna know what I can do?" I asked him, I'm pretty sure he couldn't do some of the things I could, because he never taped into his magic.

"Sure." He answered me.

"I'll tell you when Elijah's not here. He likes to tell family secrets." I joked, I'm glad Nik and Elijah were on the outs, because if they weren't then I'd be bored.

When Nik and Elijah aren't mad at eachother I occasionally get left out, so I do something to make him undagger Rebekah or Kol.



Nik, Elijah, and I reached Alaric's little apartment.

"Klaus and Nikole, you're back." Katherine said as we entered the house, "Look who decided to come for a visit." She pulled Stefan out.

"You just keep popping up, don't you?" Nik asked him.

"I need your help, for my brother." Stefan confessed.

"Well, whatever it is. It's gonna have to wait a tick. You see I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." Nik walked past him.

"You understand how important family is or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own."

"And so I shall." Nik said, stabbing our dear older brother with a dagger.

"Ahh!" Elijah screamed out.

"Shh." Nik shushed him, before dropping him, then he vamped Stefan to a wall, "Now, what am I gonna do with you."

I turned to look at Katherine, she looked frightened, "Hey, don't worry. He's most likely not going to hurt you."

"How can you be so sure?" Katherine asked me.

I turned around to see that my brother had stabbed Stefan with something, "What are you doing?"

"He just wants to help his brother." I heard Katherine say.

"The witches said you had a cure. Make me a deal. Just give me the cure and I'll do whatever you want."

Nik took the knife out of him, Stefan groaned in pain on the floor, "Trouble is I don't know if you'd be good to us. The way you are now. You are just shy of useless... I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent."

"1917, he went into the Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village. A true ripper. Sound familiar?" Niklaus asked him.

"I haven't been that way in a very long time." Stefan told him.

"Well, that's the vampire, We can make a deal with." I stated, that vampire was my brothers great friend, and my sisters lover.

"That is the kind of talent that we can use when we leave this town. Katerina, come here." My brother instructed her.

She walked to him and he bit her. Why must my now, only friend be his demonstration.

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