#1 One Shot

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(What would Rammstein do if there was a crying child backstage?)

Setting: They're about to Perform on stage, when all of the sudden there is a random kid backstage crying.

Till: "Who are you and how the fuck did you even get back here?"

Child: "My mommy said she didn't want me anymore"


Paul: "Flake you're literally a crack baby I don't know why you're talking"

Flake: "At least my mom wanted me"

Richard: "There has been multiple occasions where she tried to get rid of you"

Oli: "Can we focus on the crying child?"

Christoph: "We have a show in like five minutes, can we speed this up?"

Paul: "I thought you were joking about joining us on stage and playing the drums?"

Christoph: "Why would I be joking?"

Paul: "Because you're bad at it lol"

Christoph: *Starts crying*

Till: "I don't know what to tell ya kid, what mother would abandon their kid at a Rammstein concert?"

Oli: "Just wait backstage kid, we'll be back in an hour or two"

Richard: "Can we keep it?"

Till: "Absolutely not."

Everyone except for Till: "PLEASEEE!?"

Till: "FINE, but you have to take care of it."

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