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I watched as The Angel as he began to stop moving. He was covered in the red liquid and I didn't know what to do.

          (Duplicators POV)
I heard a scream not too far away. It was familiar and it sounded like... It was in pain?
I was startled until I realized it was The Angel's scream. I quickly ran towards the location of the sound to find The Angel covered in blood and water. I was disturbed as I saw my Son standing there. He was scared and confused. I remembered The Angel was apart of the group. I smiled as I aproached my son who was looking even more confused then before. "Sonny, did you want to play a revenge prank on The Angel for being mean?" I said.
              (Child's Pov)
Dad had a strange smile as he asked me the question. I said yes because The Angel was super mean. But before that I asked him "What happened to The Angel?" He replied with "He has an 'allergy' to water that makes red water come out of him." "Oh okay!" I replied. He then told me to stay here and out of sight if anyone comes here. Dad then walked away and came back with a suitcase. He told me to hold it open and he put The Angel in it. He stomped him into the suitcase. "Can I stomp him into the suitcase aswell?" I asked. "Yes you can." He said. I stomped on The Angel to make sure he fit in the suitcase. I closed the suitcase and then we kicked him out of the tunnel. "Was that fun Sonny?" He asked me. "It was fun pranking The Angel but a bit scary at the same time..." I said with joy and some boring doubt.

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