The Night Before Winter

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It has been three months since the battle with Hogun. Things had almost settled down. Hela was still trying to get me into bed. Fandral was still a creep and Volstagg, well he hadn't changed. I guess everything got to me in the end as I broke down crying for no reason. Doesn't help that I was burning the candle at both ends. Trying to manage a nightlife while having a daytime one. Save to say, I burnt out.

After I was caught napping at work by Sif, Loki recommended that I go home to see my parents back in my home town. I honestly thought he was trying to get rid of me but he assures me that I ain't leaving his side anytime soon. He thinks it would be a good idea to spend some time in the company of humans as I had spent far too much time in the company of vampires. (Apparently. It's a complete matter of opinion) I may have sulked with him for that. I was used to spending time with people that were non-human. I worked for Tony Stark for crying out loud, I was used to weird things. Plus, Melody is also Nicky Fury's niece and I swear he ain't human half the time. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing my parents but I love my own bed. I sigh as I roll onto my back. It was 5 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I miss the sounds of the city. I miss the sound of Melody snoring. I miss Loki. My phone lit up as it pinged. I rolled onto my side and unlocked it. My heart missed a beat at the name.
Loki: Hey. Missing you xx
Me: You get to see me at 8 o'clock tonight xx I smiled as I replied quickly.
Me: And I miss you too xx
Loki: 8 is too far away xx I knew Loki was sulking.
Loki: And why are you awake? xx I rolled my eyes. That man is the reason I am awake. one because I work nights and two, because I miss him.
Me: Body clock lives on nighttime. For some reason, I have a boss that makes me work nights xx " And I wouldn't have it any other way"
Loki: And you love it xx
Loki: By the way... this bed is awful empty. I've had to put a pile of pillows in your spot, with a shirt of yours. Maybe I should just keep you here next time? ;) xx I would happily stay with Loki. His bed is so comfy, It's like sleeping on air.
Me: Awww, you're a little puppy really. Always needing attention xx I smile. Loki is like a puppy when he lays his head on my lap. He loves it when I play with his hair. I even made him fall asleep when we watched the last two seasons of Game Of Thrones (Which end badly. I was rooting for Dany)
Loki: Head rubs are a must xx I grinned like a schoolgirl. The hold this man has over me still baffles me to this day.
Loki: I want to talk to you as I missed your voice. I really should go to bed. I just wish you were here. Doubt we would be sleeping though ;) xx If only I hadn't planned a breakfast with my mother then I would be jumping in my car and driving back to Loki.
Me: But the sun is about to rise and you need your beauty sleep xx
Loki: Only beauty here is you xx
Me: Does that make you beast? xx Why did I ask that? I feel like a teenager that is texting her crush from school.
Loki: Only for you xx
Loki: Goodnight xxxx
Me: Goodnight xxxx I smiled as I clutched my phone to my chest. I have never been this happy. As I went to put it on charge. I heard my phone ping again. I rolled my eyes at the name.
"It's a good job I love him" Not that I have ever told him. I don't dare. Despite these texts and the fact that we sleep together an awful lot, I don't know what Loki's true feelings are. I think he loves me. But I have been wrong about this type of thing before. I'd rather not jump to conclusions.
Loki: I miss you too much to sleep xxx
Me: You should try. I don't wanna be the reason you're grumpy tomorrow xxx
Loki: Either I made a stupid decision sending you home for a weekend or I should have just come with you xxx
Me: you could not have handled my mother. I'm struggling to. She is driving me. She keeps on about me finding a man and stuff xx I know that this will annoy Loki but I don't want to keep secrets from him. Besides, if I drop enough hints, he may ask me out. I am no better than a teenager.
Loki: I'll have you know that I can be a silver tongue when needed xx
Me: I know all about your tongue xx
Loki: Is it bad that I am counting down the hours until you get here? xx
Me: It's not bad. It's kinda cute xx
Loki: You are cuter :) That must be why I adore you xx
Me: Go to bed Mr Odinson. Before I drive back and chain you to it xx
Loki: Promises. Promises. But I will go to bed. I look forward to seeing your beautiful face again. Goodnight my sweet xx
Me: Goodnight xx that man is definitely going to be the death of me.

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