Chapter 10 "Forgive and forget"

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Yotan and others had stopped performing and were planning to eat something somewhere.

"That was a amazing everyone! Let's eat something yummy!"

"How about sweets?"

"Mika..The real food...first real food"

Yotan smiled and was very delighted to have such friends.

"Guys..Um..I have to stay..behind a bit..I will join you guys later.."

"Okay..Don't stay too long! We want to have fun with you too "silver dancer"."

Yotan nodded and then waved at his friends. He then took steps to find his former teamates.

So..where are they..Or where is she..She wanted to talk..

Yotan looked around but didn't find Jaga or other Red Caps members. It made him worried a bit but suddenly they appeared. To Yotan everything was slow mode. He saw how all of them had grown. It made him little sad.


But little did Yotan know other Red Caps members felt the same. Yotan was their friend and family member who had returned when he had grown up and was gone during his.

"Now we can talk.."


All of them went to rooftop. Yotan looked puzled and gulped.

Why they are so quiet now..? Didn't with me..Please someone just start conversation..don't make this more akward than it is..

"So..Yotan..We have questions.."

"No! Don't talk to him like that! Let him talk on his own..He can do it.."

"Okay..Um..Where do I begin..?'s nice to see you guys's been a while..and.."

Didi then snapped.

"We want you to talk more! So talk to us! Why didn’t you come earlier?! You should been here earlier! You should been here! You should been the leader!"

Yotan snapped back at Didi.

"Did you ever ask me if I wanted to become leader?! I never wanted that! After what happend to my senior! I never wanted that to happend..I never wanted that happend to me..I saw what it did to my friend! I don't want it.."

Yotan was almost crying and then he was almost walking away.

I knew it was useless to talk to them..They wouldn't understand..eventhough Adonis did talk to them..But why they are so agressive..? Do they really think Adonis was lying about Gatekeeper thing..?

Yotan took few steps backwards from his former team.

"Wait Yotan! We do want to talk..please just hear us out!"

Yotan stayed in his spot and turned his head around.

"We..just..I know we are agressive..but it's just that we were so lost when you left..We were angry and felt so conflicted..We are sorry.."

Yotan looked at them and then he reliazed.

Maybe I was little bit too self-centered..I didn't think how they my absense was effecting them..But still the talk about being leader was..bit too overwelming..

"Yes..I am sorry too..I just get..little know..reacting too much for something so trivial..I should have thought about teams feelings more too.."

"Is that really how you felt..?"

"Yes..It was selfish to me think...that you guys are not supporting me..but now I understand guys are going through too..I am also sorry that I am not the "Yotan" you guys hoped to return...I..well..If you don't to want to see me anymore I promise not interupt.." said Yotan and decided walk a way.

"Sing from your heart" Yotan x JagaWhere stories live. Discover now