Chapter 3 "I am proud of you.."

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Jaga woke up from her bed only to see Didi's unfriendly glare.

"What is it?"

"Nothing.." said Didi who in the same time clicked her tongue.

"No..Tell me.." said Jaga

"Why do you always get to chances with Yotan?"

"You have to think that about yourself..What you said to him..really hurted him.."

"You knew that I had a crush on him! What are gonna do Jaga? Are you gonna ruin that also?!"

Jaga looked over her friend.

"You should first start to understand that Yotan isn't a object! He opened his heart to me..And told me that how dissapointed he was..I know I did judge him first but that doesn't mean I can't change..What Yotan needs now is support not a girl who is obess with him..."

Didi was silent.

"Why are you blaming me for it?! I just.."

"Can you just shut up please?! Yotan will be mine! And he will like me.."

"Didi...How can you say that?! You insulted his favorite things...What makes you think he will like you now?!"

Yotan who had heard the noise coming from elf girls room had come to see where to noise was coming from. The boy looked confused and kind of worried.

"What is going on?"

Didi shot a glare at Yotan and boy was getting scared.

"Tell Yotan that you like me! Right?! You want to be my boyfriend."

Yotan's experission changed. He then got closer to Didi.

"What makes you think I will ever like you?..First you insulted my favorite things then..Got mad at me for hanging out with Jaga..I might be nice but..the line is that you don't respect me or are not interested what are my own desires..Just thinking that I am going straight to law school..What else..Please stop that obession about me and leave me alone..It's not you who I like..It's someone else.."

Jaga stared at Yotan. Who could he like? And his tone..It sounded different..More serious and also..scary.. Didi looked dissapointed and started to shout.

"You! Were suppose to like me! Right?"

Yotan looked away then and said with low voice.

"How I am suppose to like you? When you insulted me..Gosh..I even think I don't want to be your friend.."

Yotan then walked away from two elf girls. He knew that he sounded cruel but what else he could do?

"Argh! Why I am so dumb? I should not said those things to her. Didi will think that I am just a gloomy teenager.."

Yotan put his headphones on and putted some music.

"Every day, I search for you in distant memories
The more I hold onto you, the farther away you are
I'm leaving because I know very well
That you can't come back to me"

Yotan wanted to forget a little about what had happend today. Only music could do that. In his dreams he wanted to become someone who could help others. He wanted to become stronger. And make his own music too.

Everything was doing okay until someone stopped Yotan. It was Jaga. Being with his headphones Yotan got little scared and jumped a little.


Jaga stared at Yotan. She looked how boy was wearing his headphones and looked suprised.

"What are you listening?"

"Just some music.."

Jaga could sense that Yotan wasn't being honest. She gave him a look.


"Be honest with me.."

"About what?"

"I want to know what music are you listening.."

"'s..South-Korean solo-artist.."


"Um..His name is Kang Daniel.."


Jaga was silent and gave Yotan a smile.

"Please tell me more about him.."

Yotan was confused. Weren't Jaga angry how he had shouted at Didi? Is she going to ask him about it?



"Aren't you angry?"

"About what?"

"How I yelled at Didi?"

Jaga turned to Yotan.

"I am not angry at you Yotan..Of course I am a little dissapointed..But you yourself have a right to be angry at how Didi treated you. I hope she gets her wake up call.."

Yotan nodded and then asked:

"Why are you so interested in my hobbies?"

"Because I want to get to know you better.."

"Ah..Is that so..? None have not wanted to get to know me better..before" said Yotan sadly and looked down.

Jaga noticed some sadness in Yotan's eyes. Eventhough he had always smile on his face but this time it was different. It made Jaga reliaze that Yotan wasn't always bubbly and cheery person and he had a side where he was unsure and serious.
Jaga then patted his head eventhough she was shorter than Yotan.

"Well..I want to be first one.."

Yotan started to cry while Jaga was holding him.

"I am proud of you how far have you come..First loosing parents, then being abusive orphanage and now you are here being member of Red Caps..It's great thing..And now you can complish your own dreams.."

(Chapter 3📍📝)

"Sing from your heart" Yotan x JagaWhere stories live. Discover now