Confession (half edited)

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Thank you guys for being supportive!  The song for this chapter is another love bc why not :D
Words: 1156
Angst (I think?)
Fluff (idk)
-Dreams POV time skip to last period bc idk what to do-

It's now 7th period so that means it's the last period but anyways the teacher is just talking about random things

-the next day because I need to post so I am going to speed run this-

I got up again and got dressed for school and went down stairs and made myself breakfast because my mom wasn't home and dad was at work.  After I was done eating I went to school and saw the group again "Hello *insert name* and *insert name* are still missing so again if you have any information please call *__________________* thank you and enjoy your day" the intercom said.

-in class-

"Come onnn please we would be so perfect together" the teachers daughter said to me
"No now get off of me!" I said trying to push her off but she didn't move I started crying because she just wouldn't get off no matter how I tried. 'this has to be the one class that they wouldn't be here to help me' I thought

{Bell Rings}

"C-can y-you get off now?" I asked still crying a bit

"Nope we are going to stay in here the whole day." She said

"GET OFF" I yelled loud enough that the group came in to see the Girl on me trying to kiss me.

They ran over and pushed her off and then techno picked me up and I clinged onto him and cried I eventually felt my eyelids getting heavier and then the last thing I remember was techno holding me...

-Techno's POV-
the other boys were dealing with the girl while I was holding dream because he went over to me and hugged me and wouldn't let me go so eventually I decided to pick him up and he was crying so hard that you could hear him Coughing at some points but that quickly got replaced when I heard soft snores coming from him. The boys eventually came back over with blood all over them. "Is dream gonna be okay?" They all ask me "I-I don't know.." I say

"How about we go to your house techno?" Punz said

"Uh sure my parents aren't home for another month or so, so I don't see why not." I say

-when they got there-

"I will take him upstairs you guys go get cleaned off" I told them

"Okay." George said

I carried him upstairs and put him in bed and went to go leave when I felt someone grab my hand and they said "stay... please..."

"W-what!?" I said

"Please... I need someone with me please don't leave.." dream said

"O-okay" i said my face as red as a tomato

I lay down next to dream and he grabbed onto me and put his head in my neck and cuddled me. I eventually started to feel my eyelids getting heavier and then I blacked out.

Dream Harem - bottom dream (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now