The End (half edited)

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When they got to the lunch room....

None pov:

'So where do you wanna sit dream??' Techno asked

'I honestly dont care where we sit' dream replied

'Ok lets go outside then.' Sapnap said


'This tree looks pretty lets sit over here' dream said

Dream ran over to a very beautiful tree "Look how pretty it is!!"

"Wow... it's so... beautiful..."

'What it looks like' 

'Except more beautiful'
"Lets eat!" Dream said (guys help idfk what to writereeeeee Im only at 83 wordddddddssssssss AHHHHHHHHHHH)

A couple of years later later

T: "Are you ready to graduate dream?"

D: "Hell ya! Im so ready to get outta school and away from my mom!"

S: "You know dream you havent shown us your face yet-"

Harem (exept sapnap): "saps not wrong dream you havent but you dont have to if you dont want to"

D: " Its fine! Here ill show you"

(Dream takes of his mask to show a really beautiful face soft emarld green eyes and soft freckles)

The harem goes into gay painc.

A few years later they had 2 kids Sydney and Daniel. Dream and his harem live happily.








Until one day...










"Im sorry but dream died..."




THE END hope you enjoyed you can make up the rest of the story how you want i lost motivation lol! First book done!

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