Chapter 17 - Do You Have A Boyfriend?

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Chapter 17 - Do You Have A Boyfriend?

I look out of my window to Bradley’s and see that his light is off, but the curtain is slightly open and I can see Bradley sitting on his bed, a faint glow on his face. It looks like he’s on his laptop or phone or something. Averting my attention from him, I look down at the note, restarting it.

Dear Sydney,

Okay, you know I’m not really too good at these kinda things.

Now you’re probably all like, ‘What kinda things?’, right?

I’m warning you now, this is going to be absolutely terrible and awkward.

In fact, it’s gonna be so awkward that you should just stop reading.

Go downstairs and toss this in your fireplace.

If you’re still reading this, then obviously you didn’t burn it. Which you should.

But since you’re not going to, I’ll just cut to the chase.

And you can’t bring this up, like, ever, because I feel all sissy-ish writing it, so I know I sound like a sissy as you’re reading it. Okay, now that we have that established, I’ll actually get to the point of this note now.

I’m sorry I’m so stupid and weird and protective of you. But it’s just because I really, really care about you. You know, like a lot. We’ve known each other for nearly eighteen years and been friends for nearly thirteen. As a matter of fact, our friend-aversary is coming up you know. Well, kinda. It’s August 29th. But that’s not important right now.

What’s important right now is that you know how much I care about you. I didn’t mean any that stuff I [indirectly] said in the car that day. I know you’re not a slut or a whore or stupid or anything like that. I really don’t think you are, you know that. I was just mad. And now you’re probably all like, “Why was he mad? He’s so weird.” Because I know how you think. Anyway, I was mad because I didn’t want [and still don’t want] you to hang out with Reese. I respect the fact that you, you know, like him, but I don’t, and that’s why I was so mad.

Mikey told me what happened in the cafeteria today, him making-out with that girl. So, I’m not gonna say I told you so, because that’d be mean, but he’s really not a guy you should be associated with. Plus, you’re way, way too good for him. And if he’d rather kiss Caitlin Tuberose than you, then obviously something isn’t working correctly up there in that head of his.

Jesus, this letter is getting long. And awkward.

Oh, and I want you to never let anyone else see this. It’s for your eyes only. I mean it Sydney. Also, if you’re not busy the day after tomorrow after school, I wanna go somewhere. There’s this planetarium thing that just opened over in Berkeley, and it seems pretty cool. Tanner wants to come too though, and Mikey, so yeah, I guess it’d be the four of us. Walker said he’d rather stab himself in the eye with a sharpened pencil and Drew and the rest of the basketball team are going to some over-night party resort thing for the game tomorrow -  win or lose.

Okay, but back to the ‘sincere’ stuff. Like I said, you mean a lot to me and as much as you hate it, I’ll always be probably a tad bit over protective of you because I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you. And just so you know, you should never not talk to me for two days again because it was complete and utter hell. And you said I’m the mean one. But seriously, I don’t wanna fight with you again, so let’s please try to make sure that doesn’t happen. That’s kinda stupid, because I’m stupid and you’re hot-headed so we’re bound to fight over something again, but let’s just not let it get so bad, okay? I think I’ve emasculated myself enough for the rest of my life, so I’ll end this incredibly long letter here. [Did you see that big word I used? And I used it correctly; you should really be proud.] So yeah, this is the end.

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