Chapter 20: Pt. 1 - You Are A Terrible Kisser

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Author's Note: Holy crap, this chapter is long. Like, it's not even supposed to be this long. I honestly didn't mean for it to be, but then I didn't wanna just chop it off, and end it at a random part, if you get me. So yeah, consider it a gift, a nice long chapter. This is gonna be part one, and then the next chapter will be part two. So I hope you enjoy this lengthy chapter. And lemme know if you like it in a comment, maybe? ♥ Notice the picture and song. ---------------------->

Chapter 20: Pt. 1 - You Are A Terrible Kisser 

I wake up the next morning with the same stupid goofy smile I wore to bed last night after the dance. Whether it’s because I’m finally eighteen, or because Bradley kissed me last night, I don’t know. The bright sun files in through my curtains, nearly blinding me. I raise my head up from my pillow as I feel something tickling my arm and find Poncho curled up into me asleep. Oh, little Poncho. He’s so adorable. I can’t believe he hasn’t ran out of the house back over to Bradley’s yet. Letting my head fall back down on my comfortable pillow, I pull the cover up over me as the memories of last night flood me.

It was…






And every other single synonym in the world that means good. It’s times like these when I wish I had at least one girl best friend. I mean, because I can’t talk about kissing Bradley to any of other guys. That’d just be weird. And awkward. I could talk to Arianna about it, seeing as how she’s my sister, but then she’ll tease me about it for the rest of my life, and I’m definitely not talking to my mom about it. She’d give me the sex talk - again, which would be about four million times worse than Arianna’s teasing. But oh my God, I feel like if I don’t say something I’m gonna explode.

Seriously though, if I had a diary thing, I’d write every single detail of it down. Because I remember. Is that weird? No, that’s not weird. You’re supposed to remember important details, right? And kissing Bradley is definitely an important detail. I don’t know what’s really gonna happen between the two of us. After that first kiss, which only lasted for a couple of seconds, we did it again. And again. And again. Then we danced some more, but we didn’t really talk that much. I mean, we did, just not about that.

Then Drew rode back with us, so we couldn’t talk about it in the car, of course. He dropped Drew off at his house first, seeing as how he and I are neighbors and on the whole ride home we never said anything about it. Mostly because I was over in the passenger seat trying to figure out if I had died and went to Heaven or if it was a reality - which would mean my best friend did indeed kiss me.

The latter was evidently true, because I am definitely not dead. So once he stopped in front of my house, he kissed me again, but it was just on the cheek - and that’s not really anything special since I kiss them on their cheeks all the time - then he told me goodnight, waited until I got into my house and then drove the ten seconds it took to get to house.

My cell phone pings and I reach underneath my pillow, grabbing it. I unlock it, typing in the passcode and see that I have messages from all five of the guys, which really isn’t a surprise, because they always all text me at like midnight on my birthday. Opening the first one received at exactly 11:59, I read Walker’s message:

Okay, so it isn’t even 12 yet, I don’t think, but I’m sending this now anyway.

Happy Birthday Sydney!

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