I saw a face in the sand

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School. It's like quick sand, the more you move in it the deeper you get pulled in. While walking in the door usually no one pays attention to you, they mind their business as they go walk over to their friends and talk or they dash through the halls as teachers yell at them to stop, everything was fine you stayed afloat you aren't getting pulled down. But for Will Byers and Max Mayfield it was different, as they walk in the door all eyes are on them, whispers erupting, teachers looking at them as if they are a rat running around, they didn't have friends to talk to not anymore. The more they walk in the deeper they get pulled down they can't stay afloat they are drowning the sand gets in their lungs casing them to not talk. They are stuck.

Max Mayfield, a red head girl who is struggling with the death of her brother Billy. She walks the halls with headphones on her head blocking out the whispers, she passes by the familiar face of Lucas Sinclair as he is with his basketball team by the old blue lockers. She looks and so does he, but her eyes move to someone else. A Boy who looks like someone she used to know, Mike. But he wasn't Mike, he looked more pale and tired, his hair was curly,more volume than Mikes, the two looked as both of them pass by each other 'I never seen him before...'

Will Byers, the boy who came back to life. He wanted to forget that name the titles given to him by others, but there was one name he wanted to forget. Will the Wise. A name he used to use for a person he used to know given to him by people he chooses to not look at anymore in the eyes. Will walked staring forward as he walked to his next class, but as he walks he sees three familiar faces Dustin Henderson, Eleven, and Mike Wheeler. Will looks away not wanting to see the faces as those were the faces that pushed him away and treated him as nothing to them at all "Will." The curly hair boys voice echoed behind him along with another voice that is faded but loud enough to have been heard by the boy himself "Leave him, he's just going to slow us down even more." Mike...





Lunch. The time where people sit down to eat or to talk to friends,sometimes even smoke,or kiss,anything! no one stays in one place at a time.
"Max." The boy said from behind her "Let's do this." Max nodded her head and the two friends walked behind the school where surprisingly no one sit at when it is lunch. "I'm getting my drivers license soon." "What day?" "Not sure yet but I'm hoping it comes in 2 days, the faster it's here the faster we can leave." Will smiled a bit and so did Max, the two had grew close during the split up with the party because it seemed like they understood each other,they knew what it was like, they were the same but yet so different, that's what made them stick together on the bad days,the good days,at night,at day, wherever, whenever they were meant to be together. If one was far the other was near that was the deal to stick together to avoid the ones that didn't matter to them, it was them against the world now. "Your mom hasn't found out yet?" Max asked while she fiddled with the grass on the ground "She's to busy working, same as Jonathan." Will leaned his head back into the wall softly "What about you?" Max let out a dry chuckle "You know what a raging alcoholic she is. She doesn't have the time of day for me." The two chuckled once more "How much do you have now?" "$300.29 you?" "538.29" "where'd you get all that from?" "I've been saving my money since I was a kid by Mowing lawns,selling my stuffy,babysitting, and walking dogs." Will shrugged "nice...so in total we have $838.58 that should last us for about...5-6 months?" Max looked at the boy "if we spend it wisely yeah it should." Will replied to her. "What about food?" Will questioned "I haven't thought of that...well we definitely need water so we can buy 3 cases of bottles and that should be about...$32.0 and ice is $3.00. For food...I think it's safe to make some sandwiches the night we leave and definitely get some chips? Also fruits...we'll have to figure it out later." Will nodded his head, things still needed some planning but it was going good.

The last period with only 10 minutes left, school was going to be over after 2 days, and when it was? Well the two will be gone to who knows where. The sand is pulling them down as they wait for the bell to ring knowing it won't be anytime soon for them, the clock seems to be moving slower by the second waiting the two dare to not move for if they do the sand will pull them down faster and faster until the little air they have left is taken away from them.

The bell rings after what feel like forever and the two stood up and walked out the classroom into the hall of hell. Both of the teens didn't say anything to each other but instead held hands with one another to make sure they don't get lost in the crowd of judgment, as they were walking they could feel eyes on them both maybe it's because their holding hands or maybe it's because they didn't fit in anymore. They kept their heads up not looking anywhere else but forward or at the faces surrounding them, they made it out together stepping outside to inhale the warm air in their lungs but still they were stuck they were sinking still they still haven't gotten out even when they go home without one another by their side they sink faster and faster. Today they would sink slowly though because they are staying the night at Wills house "William, Maxine!" The two turned their heads to see a face that looked familiar it looked like Mike but from his accent you could tell it wasn't him, it hit Max it was the same boy she passed in the hallway "You forgot paper on desk, the teacher told me to give them to you both." They two looked at the boy confused for a few seconds before grabbing the papers "Thank you Uh...I'm sorry I don't really know your name.." Will told with blush making its way to his face due to embarrassment because the boy knows his name but he doesn't know his in return. The boy laughed loudly before talking to the two "Silly Americans! We've been in class together for a year already, and still don't know name?"Will blushed harder because the embarrassment was growing "Boris Pavlikovsky, William Byers and Maxine Mayfield,Yes?" Boris questioned "It's Max not Maxine." Max said bluntly "It makes me sound like a girl..." she whispered under her breath Will looked over at his friend with a sadden face "Max Mayfield... suits you better than Maxine!" Boris said with a big smirk on his face, Max  looked at Boris with soften eyes "thanks..." "Just warning...those 4 keep staring at you." The two looked behind Boris shoulder and saw their old friends looking at them with dirty looks, "want?" They look at Boris hand and saw he had a blunt that was already lit up "Screw it." Max took it in her hands taking a drag of it, Will looked over at the 4 old friends of his and Max and saw that their faces were in disbelief especially Lucas and Mike, Will heard Boris laugh before putting his arms around his and Max's shoulders and walking away from school. For some reason the two found comfort around Boris even if they just met, he was...different he didn't fit in just like them.

For once they didn't sink instead they were being lifted from the quick sand not pulled down like they normally would be.

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