please baby, look at me (NR)

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your 15
Trigger Warning!! Attempted Su!cide.
Natasha's Pov

I cannot believe what i'm seeing, my daughter.. my baby. So fragile, so broken. My heart is aching for her. How didn't i see this sooner. If I had realised how bad things were maybe she wouldn't have got to this point.

A few hours earlier

I'm worried about my daughter. She been awfully quiet and distant recently. She doesn't like to leave her room, or the compound. She doesn't cuddle with me anymore, not like she use to anyways. I keep trying to find out what's going on but she's her mothers daughter and is just as stubborn as me, but I can read her like a book. In all honesty, im scared. Scared that im losing my little girl, my smiley, care free, cuddly y/n and i need to do something before it's to late.

It's now mid day and y/n still hasn't come out of her room or come to see me like she normally does. I'm sat in my room debating on what to do, I know she needs her space but I need to know what's going on and if she's okay for my own sanity. With that i get up off my bed and head towards my daughters room which just so happens to be directly across from mine. I knock on the door softly not wanting to invade her privacy.

"Y/n/n it's momma, can I come in sweetheart?" I say softly. A minute goes by and i still haven't got a response from her so i decided to knock again.

"Baby, you okay?" I question, yet again to receive no response. She could be asleep but my stomach is turning over. Something isn't right. I go to open the door and it's locked. She never locks her door. In that moment my heart dropped to my stomach.

"y/n open up!" I bang on the door. No answer.

"Baby i'm serious please open the door for momma?" I let out shakily. I still don't get a response, I'm panicking, I need to get it that room. As if a miracle Clint walks up the stairs.

"Tasha you okay? Why you banging on Y/n's door?" he asked me confused.

"She's locked her door. Clint somethings not right I know it. I need to get in her room" I stress.

"She never locks her door" he mutters before saying. "Nat your a trained assassin, can't you pick the lock?" he questions. Ding ding ding. How did I not think of that. So that's what I do immediately, as soon as I get the door unlocked I barged in.

"Y/n.." I call out as I enter the room, Clint hot on my tail.

"Come on baby where are you?" I whisper to myself scanning the room before my eyes land on her bathroom door. I knock on the door.

"Y/n/n it's me. Are you okay?" I ask through the door. I don't get a response verbally, I hear crashing around in the bathroom, I look at Clint and he's just as worried as I am. That was the final straw.

"Y/n Im coming in" and with that I barge the door open. I wish i had prepared for the sight in-front of me. My y/n. My beautiful baby girl huddled on the floor, blood on her arms , pot of pills in her hand. No emotion on her face. I look to Clint and I know this is beyond bad. I bend down to her height moving to sit in front of her.

"Y/n sweetheart can you look at Momma?" I ask softly, I don't get any closer or make physical contact with her so I don't trigger her. I look into her eyes, my favourite green eyes searching for anything, any sign that she's lucid. Nothing.

"Clint can you get something to help clean the blood on her arms" I ask him shakily, I know I need to keep it together in order to help y/n. I can't help but get upset from seeing her like this. He places a hand on my shoulder giving me a slight smile before leaving the room.

"Please baby, look at me" I repeat pleading with her, I reach forward and cup her face, seems like the feeling of my touch snaps her out of her daze.

"Hey hey, it's okay baby. It's just momma. It's just you and momma." I whisper stroking her cheek softly. She's still not fully aware but I can see it behind her eyes, my baby's there.

"Sweetheart I need you to be honest with me, have you taken any of those pills?" I as softly brushing the hair out of her face, rubbing her cheek bones. At that moment Clint walks in holding the towels for y/n's arms.

"Baby please." I beg trying to hold back my tears. "I need you to tell mommy if you took anything." I say my voice cracking at the end. That seemed to do the trick.

"No. I didn't get the chance." She says with no emotion. I watch as he glances down at the pills in her hand. I watch as her hand twitches. My eyes go wide, I shake my head softly

"No. No no no come on baby don't do that." I speak quickly.

It all happens so fast as she lifts the pills to her mouth. I grab her wrist making the pills spill on the floor.

"Why! Why would you do that?" Y/n screams at me. Im taken aback at her response. Things are way worse than i thought.

"y/n calm down." I say softly, reaching to bring her into my arms, she keep fighting my hold shouting at me to let her go.

"Let me go." she continues to scream

"Let go of me"

"Shhhh baby it's okay, Mommas got you. It's okay okay y/n i'm hear." I keep whispering to her pulling her head to my chest. After 5 brutal minutes of her fighting my hold. I have tears streaming down my face.

"I wanna die" She wails, falling into my embrace. I felt my heart shatter in that moment. My baby, My miracle, My whole world. My y/n. Doesn't want to be here anymore.

"I wanna die..why won't you let me die" She sobbed in my arms. I keep her tightly wrapped in my hold. I move my head down so that I was talking directly into her ear. I look over to Clint who mouths to me that he's going to give us some space. I feel more tears brimming in my eyes.

"I can't let you do that i'm sorry baby." I whisper to her rocking us back and forth.

"I cant let you do that y/n because your my world. Your my Smart, Funny, Cuddly, Fiery, Sweet, Kind, Beautiful Baby girl. I cannot lose you sweetheart, because if I lose you I lose everything. I love you so so much. I will be by your side through all of this. Me and you against the world. I will get you through this." I whisper to her, voice cracking , tears streaming down my face.

"I love you so much baby" I sob to her.

"Im sorry Mommy. Im so sorry, I just couldn't do this anymore" She continues to sob.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Y/n. Nothing" I whisper to her.

"Mommy's here baby. It's all going to be okay. Im gonna get you through this. Me and you against the world." I say to her kissing her forehead, before moving to rest my head on top of hers.

"I love you momma" She whispers

"I love you too Y/n Romanoff. Me and you against the world" I state holding her that little bit tighter.

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