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Tupac played through Amir's speakers as he pulled up outside the nearest Trader Joes. It was Sunday and his aunt had sent him shopping for their weekly dinner. He didn't have parents but was raised by his aunt and uncle; who he addressed as his parents. So most of his time was spent with them if he wasn't working. He cut the engine and hopped out and fixed his chain before entering the store.

He grabbed a basket and headed round to grab everything needed. Amir thanked the cashier before walking out and making his way back to the car. On route he heard vague yet familiar voices. He looked up as he closed his trunk to see Sade and Leah, his eyes moved to the baby that Sade had in the stroller she was pushing. He was surprised to see them again, so soon.

"Well Mr Mysterious." Sade said as they came to a stop in front of him.

"So y'all stay round here then?" he asked and they both nodded.

"You look better in the dark." Leah said making him chuckle.

"You speak huh?. Who this?" he asked crouching down to Kennedy's level who was interested in who the stranger was.

"Kennedy. Say hi mama." Leah encouraged although she was anti social for a baby.

Kennedy gave a shy smiled before closing her eyes. "Y'all gone be my friend yet?" he asked making them both look at each other.

"What's in it for us?" Sade asked.

"I'm a good ass friend to keep around that's what." he said.

Leah took his phone and typed in their number before saying goodbyes. The girls headed into the store wondering what was to come of this.

After dinner Leah had cleaned up the kitchen, they both hated mess, so they cleaned up before going to bed most nights. She walked into the living room, before anyone moved she snapped a picture of the girls. Sade was comfortable sleeping in the corner of the couch with Kennedy clinging onto her for dear life.

Slowly Leah picked up Kennedy and carried her upstairs. She stretched and slowly opened her eyes. "Hmm ma ma" she mumbled rubbing her face.

"Shh here baby." Leah mumbled, pulling her blanket over her as she rocked her in her arms. Luckily it didn't take long for her to fall back asleep. She kissed her cheek before laying her down in her crib.

Leah was a little tired but not too much, as she reached the bottom step she saw Sade was now awake. So she sat next to her, "What do you wanna do tomorrow?"

"Can we go to the mall after the office? I need to get some new hair products." Sade said resting her head back.

"You getting a new hairstyle?" she questioned, Leah was yet again lost in Sade's eyes as she talked to her.

"My new wig arrived this morning." Sade yawned quickly covering her mouth.

"Which one did you order?" Leah said, right now Leah's hair was in its natural state as well so they'd been talking about getting something completely new.

"The straight blonde one. I was thinking you should get some braids I haven't seen you have them in ages." she pointed out.

"They take forever." Leah said not wanting to sit in an chair for God knows how many hours.

The more they spoke Leah chuckled at Sade struggling to keep her eyes open. So Leah stood to her feet and helped her up. Before getting into bed she made sure to set an alarm so they wouldn't sleep oversleep.


It was early when Sade woke but she was soo comfortable to move from the spot she was in. Her hand gently rubbed Leah's cheek as she slept. Her plump lips were slightly apart and she would scrunch her nose ever so often. Once she heard Kennedy crying she got up to check on her.

"You just wanted to be held." Sade said as she headed to the bathroom.

She brushed her teeth and wiped Kennedy's crusty eyes before returning to the bedroom.

"Say wakey wakey." Sade said as she placed her down on the bed.

Kennedy babbled trying to wake her as she tapped her face. "Hi pretty girl."

"You want to eat something here or on the way?"

"I'll go make something, boo needs sleep." she chuckled seeing Kennedy dozing back off.

Leah handled her hygiene before going downstairs. Leaving Sade to give Kennedy some milk and sniffled and she was knocked out. Grabbing her phone, Sade went through the list of things she had to do today.

"Pancakes okay?" Leah asked

"Can I get a kiss first?"

Leah walked over and gave her a kiss, Sade's hand wrapping around her neck. Soft moans and gasps exchanged as their hands roamed one another's bodies.

"We have work today you really want this now?" Leah chuckled at how eager the two were.

"True, I guess I can wait." she sighed dramatically.

Leah finished making breakfast while Sade got some cleaning down. By eleven o'clock they'd had breakfast, showered, dressed and on their way to the office.

Orders could take for an hour to several hours so they got started right away. Kennedy was with her grandmother so they had all the time in the world today. Sade looked up from her laptop to see Leah typing away.

"Amir just messaged me." she said.

"Saying what?" Leah questioned looking up from her screen.

"Asking if we can meet up some time."

"So what is this going to be? A friendship where we're attracted to the guy?" Leah asked making Sade laugh.

"Exactly that." she nodded as she sent him a reply setting a date.

Neither of them wanted to get hurt again so they had the motive of this being a friendship, and nothing more. Well that's what they thought as of now.

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