Chapter 3 The Past

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After some time they arrived at the Shane hideout. They all got off their mechbeasts and headed inside before asking their questions. Nora sat on the couch and waited for the barrage of questions. However they weren't demanding and didn't bombard her they waited for her to collect herself.

"What something to drink?" Trixie asked with a welcoming smile.

"Oh yes," It had probably been a long time since she'd been in there. Eli sat down across from her and she could feel the questions building in him. "You can ask whatever you'd like Eli I'll answer what I can." She looked at the team, they looked to be a solid well put together team.

"How long were you in there?" Kord was the first to chime in. He was a cave troll, rather large but not intimidating. She'd met a few growing up, her dad had had a cave troll friend they worked on their mechbeast together.

"I am not sure. I might be able to tell you if I know how old Eli is." She looked to the leader waiting for an answer.

"My age, well I am about fifteen going on sixteen," He was about fifteen in a half give or take.

"Oh gosh, looks like I've been in there for two years. I was taken around my fifteenth birthday and I am about a year and a half older then eli. So I am seventeen now, two years of my life gone," She looked at the cup as Trixie handed it to her. Eli frowned how dare Blakk, he'd trapped her and kept her in a deep sleep and she lost two years of her life. She'll never get those back.

"What about your family? Should we contact them?" Eli asked, he was sure they were worried about her. It had been two years. She shook her head and sipped her drink, it was a sweetened warm tea, she liked it.

  "No....I doubt I have one anymore. Blakk was very thorough when he got rid of his enemies. He made sure to get rid of my Dad and Brother first.  I have other family but I can't contact them, and anyways they wouldn't know I had been trapped. I wouldn't want to pull them into this even if I could contact them. "They all looked downcast as she spoke. She had no one left, no parents, no siblings, no one.

"Why did Blakk want your family gone so bad?" It was Eli again who asked. He had a serious look on his face. It was obvious that the more she spoke the angrier he got with Blakk. She gave an almost sad smile.

"How much does your team know about your family?" She sipped her drink.

"Everything I know," Which wasn't much but he shared what he could with them. She nodded, he trusted them and that was good in a team. Secrets only tore people apart.

"My family is a lot like yours. The Drake family is what you'd call Guardians of Slugterra. Usually the oldest son takes over and builds a family here while the others live on the surface. My oldest brother was.....Blakk got rid of him and my second oldest brother had long since moved to the surface and started a family. So I took over my brothers spot. "

"What is it that your family does exactly? If there is the shane's why is there also the Drake's? and also why has the great and knowledgeable pronto not heard of your family. " Pronto asked quite confused by this.

"The Shane's protect the slugs and people of slugterra. They keep the balance. The Drake's protect the Guardian slugs and the gate I can feel it you have met a guardian slug. We can sense the auras the slugs leave behind. No one knows about them so no one can know what we do. Unfortunately we've been gone for two years so many bad things can happen. You've met them Eli how are they?" She was genuinely worried about the slugs. She'd grown up protecting them, and helping raise the new guardians.

"They are doing good. My slug doc joined them. The gate broke but we were able to get it back up." He was trying to reassure her but it didn't seem to work. She sighed softly as she twisted the cup in her hands.

"I am sorry Eli, and all of you too. If I had been stronger back then none of this would have happened. " She felt like she'd failed her family and all of slugterra. If only she'd been stronger, she could have done something. Instead she spent two years in a glass container.

"It's not your fault Nora; there is nothing you could have done." Trixie placed a hand on her shoulder. Nora reeled in the need to pull away; she was not used to touching. Her brothers always thought she was odd because of it but touching always made her feel uncomfortable.

"She's right Nora, Blakk is strong and evil. His mistake was letting you live, and since you are alive you can help us stop him. Will you join our team?" Eli looked at her waiting patiently for an answer. She cracked a small smile.


"I'd be more then happy to lend you my blasters and skills. He needs to be stopped, we'll do this together." Her tone was firm and confident. She refused to let this happen to anyone ever again. She'd stop Blakk but not alone, she'd stop him as part of the Shane Gang. 


Sorry it took me so long, life can really take up a tone of time. So here is chapter 3 tell me what you think. I always love to see you guys write to me. I always appreciate questions, comments, concerns and critiques. So hope you all like it and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Also thank you to xCyanSparksx  for the feed back i tried out what you suggested and I am liking the format so far.

A huge thank you to Kanato_Sakamaki259 I was honestly starting to think no one liked it and was loosing drive to write until you commented and asked me to update. So thank you as long as at least one person wants me to continue writing I will.

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