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 Chapter 21:

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People come and go in a small bookstore.

Wei Jing smiled sinisterly. He waved his hand and refused, "No, Wei Min is my brother. I should take care of him. Actually...we usually...well! There is no exchange."

"A little bit, you keep it." The young man forced the stuff to the child, his eyes turned outside and he enthusiastically said: "Are you here alone? It's late, you are not safe as a child. I'll walk you home."

"No need." Wei Jing had something inexplicably more in his hand. Fortunately, the price was cheap and he didn't need to have too much burden. The child pursed his lips towards the boy and said, "Where is the driver waiting for me outside? These gifts...Thank you. The family is still waiting for me to go back. I'll leave first, bye."

"Goodbye." The young man waved his hand, his face burst into a big and brilliant smile, but his smile was not as low as his eyes, "I'll play together next time."

"Yeah." The child nodded, and the cool autumn breeze brought a chill. He walked out holding the things the other party gave him, and even forgot to take the picture album he chose.

Because of this change, when Wei Jing returned to the Wei family's old house, the sky was already a little dim, leaving only the fiery sunset glowing with the last light and heat.

"I'm back." The first time the child returned home, he spotted Wei Zhe, who was sitting on the sofa without any concern. The boy was holding a thick original book in his hands, his back was straight, his handsome cheeks were tightly collapsed, and his eyes were full of shallow anger.

"How did you promise me yesterday?" He raised an eyebrow and asked.

Wei Jing raised his head and glanced at the clock in the living room. It was already early seven. Suddenly he became very guilty, and he pleased him with a smile and tried to change the subject, "Big brother, why are you reading here? It's not good for your eyes."

"What do you mean?" Wei Zhe sneered, and he threw the heavy books on the coffee table with a loud bang. "This is the two hours you said?"

Confess your mistakes and sit down in prison.

Wei Jing blinked, he walked slowly to the boy's side, took the other's hand and started acting cute, "There is a reason, brother. I should have been back long ago, but you took my picture album yesterday. No, I can't help but buy a copy~"

In order to prove the authenticity of what he said, Wei Jing took out all the things Lu Tianyou had given him.

Colorful boxed crayons and crayons, cute rabbit eraser, sky blue album cover with cartoon characters.

All in all, they are all gadgets that are very likable to children, and they are especially in line with Wei Jing's current appearance and age preferences.

Although he knew that there was a lot of moisture in what the child said, Wei Zhe didn't want to be too strict, so... he really became an old mother. His complexion improved a bit, but the one who should be educated still needs to be educated, "I promised my big brother, do you dare to break my promise in the future?"

"Don't dare, don't dare." Wei Jing shook his head particularly well.

"The sweet and sour ribs will be confiscated tonight. I let the kitchen stew chicken soup. You must drink two bowls." Before the child refused, the teenager added slowly: "This is punishment."

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