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Chapter 51:

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The oil painting contest starts at nine o'clock in the morning, and according to regulations, everyone must be in place at eight thirty.

In order to ensure fairness, the seats were arranged by a temporary lottery. Wei Jing was drawn to the fifty-eighth, sandwiched in the middle, which is not bad.

Le Cheng and Xia Susu were more unlucky. One got the 5th and the other got the 98th. The two cameras on the front and back were like black holes, shooting straight into people's hearts. Some teenagers with uncertain temperament, I'm afraid The fingers are going to be stiff.

In the wide venue, white crystal chandeliers dazzled dazzling light. The teenagers and girls who come and go are about fourteen or fifteen years old. Most of them have developed their bodies, with some young people on their faces, mixed in them, only twelve years old, small in size, like a doll. Wei Jing is particularly eye-catching.

"Hey! Are you that school? What's your name? How old are you this year?" The little girl sitting next to Wei Jing touched the paintbrush with her fingers. Shui Lingling's eyes shone with a sly light, and she looked lively and cute.

Wei Jing had a good sense to the little girl. He smiled and said, "My name is Wei Jing, and I'm in city A next door..."

The little boy was only half talking, and the little girl covered her mouth and let out a quick scream, as if she had seen a ghost, "Are you the Wei Jing who won the second place before?"

"Yeah." Wei Jingjing nodded.

"Ahhhhh!! Didn't expect you to look so small?" The little girl's index finger and her thumb showed a small margin, and her blood was burning, clamoring for battle, her eyes shining brightly. When I first tried, I was number one. This time, I will still be number one."

"Huh?" Wei Jing tilted his head, he said indifferently, "My goal is the top three."

"What?" The little girl patted the table and stared angrily at Wei Jing's delicate cheeks, "You paint so well? How can you only win third place?"

This time, if Wei Jing's brushstrokes were not a little rusty, the first place in the initial test should have changed. The little girl thought a lot before she came, but she never thought that "Wei Jing" was such a soft child, and... there was no "ambition" at all.

Feeling so angry! Cry QAQ

"But don't you want the first place?" Wei Jing glanced at the little girl strangely, his eyes were puzzled, "So is there any problem with setting my goal in the top three?"

He thought for a while, then said: "And we...seems to be enemies!"

The little girl stood there blankly for a moment, then said "Yes!" They are now in a competitive relationship. Why should she care about the enemy's ambition?

Wei Jing looked very pleased. Look, there are always a small number of smart people in this world; he is better than the top and the bottom. In the future, the eldest brother will really have a tricky thing to ask him for help, he should... no problem!

Woo! It's all because my brother's sight in the morning is too oppressive (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

"Is that the second place in the first trial this year? I feel so young! Is he really twelve years old?"

"So cute! The eyelashes are so long, like a girl..."


Because of the little girl's previous noise, the eyes of many people here are attracted. In addition, Wei Jing's appearance is against the sky. Not only did he get a good second place in the initial test, he was also young, and the golden development period of boys happened to be at the stage of thirteen to sixteen. In terms of visual effects Above, he seemed to be several years younger than everyone present.

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