Chapter Nine

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"Well. . ." Fogheart began twitching her tail, she seemed worried.

Stormtooth got through the crowd and spat at her, "She is telling the truth! The two kits should be from other Clans." Then the gray tom looked down at Skykit and Littlekit, who were cuddled up and sound asleep. "Possibly. . . CloudClan is responsible for these kittens."

Swiftpaw wanted to protest but he stood silent. Cats yowled and spat, Swiftpaw knew he had to protect them, he lay down next to the kits and curled in his fluffy tail, but he kept watching. Hillfrost didn't looked pleased by the sudden interruption by Stormtooth, "Stormtooth that is enough. We will take it from here."

Crowstar looked grateful, "Yes, I want to keep the kits. They could become warriors one day."

"Are you sure, Crowstar?" Asked Hillfrost, and looked beside him to see Crowstar, demonstrating with careful eyes on the kits, now that Swiftpaw let his tail rest on another side of the moss bed they were laying on.

"What if they are from CloudClan or any other Clan?"

"It doesn't matter what Clan they are from, it matters what is in their heart." Crowstar meowed, smiling.

Stormtooth went back into the crowd, "Now can everyone get out?" Fogheart groaned and the crowd left as well as Hillfrost and Crowstar.

"C'mon, you too," Fogheart turned towards Swiftpaw, "I was just gonna leave when everyone gets out." Swiftpaw quickly left before she could get mad and yell at him to get out.

Swiftpaw decided to go eat something, he went to the fresh-kill pile, only seeing cats together sharing tongues and eating prey, and some of them were napping on a nice sunny spot.

He picked out a rabbit torso and dragged it to his favorite spot: his stump.

He began to eat but he heard a familiar cat meow, "Mind sharin' that?" It was Runningwinter.

"Sure." Swiftpaw shrugged and continued eating as Runningwinter meowed, "I was just sunbathing on the floor, until Stormtooth came up and stole my spot. So I decided to check on you."

The white tom came up and sat down next to Swiftpaw, then began grooming him as he ate the rabbit.

Branches swayed from the wind and the sun was out and shining, the rain was gone yet some clouds traveled around while birds chirped and sang beautifully.

"Alright." Runningwinter meowed and bent down to share his prey then Swiftpaw scooted over to let room for the tom.

"Swiftpaw!" Someone called, Swiftpaw whipped his head to see Fogheart, twitching her tail to follow, so, Swiftpaw quietly followed without Runningwinter noticing.

Fogheart led him to the elder's den, Swiftpaw didn't understand, but stayed silent and kept following.

The two climbed up the fallen tree and climbed out of the wall of the camp and began to go towards Running Creek.

The sun setted behind them, leaving a chill in the air along with a few clouds.

"Swiftpaw." Fogheart meowed, turning around once they had reached Running Creek. "I have to tell you something."

Swiftpaw got confused, "What is it, Fogheart?"

"A cat from my dreams came to me when you were a kit, but now I see you have grown up into a splendid apprentice." Fogheart said, "A cat gave me this prophecy, 'Once the stones rise in the swift wind, but from the darkness of storm, will disintegrate in ash.' And I think I know what it is. The stones and wind are you, inside of the prophecy."

The end. (Maybe it isn't. . .)

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