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The god of the sun loved observing people.

Helios has always been fascinated by how different people are, and how they start conflicts by creating newer and newer rules and prohibitions. How their mindset changes with each generation.

However, nothing nor no one could ever come to his attention for an extended period. Only momentary changes, such as new eras, were an exciting spectacle for him. Especially since the director of the entire play was well known to him. It was so until one day. One day, that was the beginning of a beautiful but tragic story.

For that day, Helios took notice of Samara Jones. A woman so good of heart, even the most emotionless aristocrats smiled at her.

Her beauty was bewitching. Samara's skin seemed to shine in the sunlight as if every inch of it was covered with diamonds. And her ocean-blue eyes mesmerized more powerfully than the spells of the most powerful wizards.

Weeks went by and the titan knew he had to meet her. Watching her every day just wasn't enough.

Right after one of the summer sunsets, Helios went down to the lands of the people. Finding Samara took little time. The young healer was very well known in the neighbourhood. Her kindness got the fame it deserved. For a long time, Jones has been inviting many hurt knights, hungry homeless people and lost travellers to her house in the thought of giving them any required help. Her home was named the safe haven because of that.

Samara came from a typical family of wealthy aristocrats. In fear of losing their riches, her family even forced her to marry her cousin — Nevan Jones. That way her fortune grew. But she never bragged about it. She was different from most of the nobility. She was different not only because she was pure of heart. What made Samara different from the rest was her view of the world. She knew she was rich and that there were people who needed the money more than she did. And so she gave them what she could.

Helios, besides her beauty, saw that in her. He rewarded her for the goodness she had shown many people who needed it.

At least that's how the people who knew Jones told the story. The truth is that when Helios visited Samara he didn't reward her. He did quite the opposite.

Helios did come to the lands of people. He found Samara in her haven, helping people in need. But, he didn't know what possibly he could say to her. So, he ruined his accomplices' plans and gave Jones a secret hidden from every wife and husband. A secret that fell into hands more righter than Helios might have thought.

Oh, if only the god of the sun knew how tragic consequences would giving this secret to the Jones bloodline bring. 

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