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shoes filling up with water

[ 5596 words]

Despite its name, the Enchanted Forest had a terrifying side to it. Endless mazes of trees interwoven by a silky stream of fog, mountains whose peaks were never seen by a live being. It was the part of the realm, in which witches thrilled. It was the capital of magical anarchy. Not many dared to even pass the place by.

Samara Jones finally learned what these words meant as she first stepped foot in the so-called 'dark forest'. She only heard rumours of such a place, knowing that whoever entered, never left. With that thought in mind, she hesitantly looked around. She jumped when she felt her hand being touched.

"Mama, I'm frightened," a small girl said as she pulled her mother's hand.

Samara simply sighed and kneeled so she could level with her daughter. She didn't know what she could possibly say to comfort the child.

"Well, be frightened no more, then." Samara smiled despite every cell in her body draining whatever positive feelings she had left. "Alice darling, you won't get hurt, I won't allow it."

"I know that, but what about you?" Alice Jones questioned still.

"What about me, love?" The woman furrowed her brows.

"Will you get hurt?"

Samara did not answer the last question. She had not a single idea what to say, even expect. She came to the forest with the idea that she could die. It was a very realistic possibility.

"Remember what I told you?"

"Yes, hide and don't show your presence no matter what," Alice replied without missing a beat. "If anything dangerous happens, run back to the village and find Selma."

"Good girl, now off you go." Samara ruffled Alice's golden locks and left a peck on both her cheeks.

After ensuring the girl was well hidden Samara did what she came to do. She stood in the middle of the only empty space in the forest. Jones cleared her throat, tightened her grip on the dagger she held and called out the name three times:




Suddenly a tower of black smoke appeared, and from it walked out Cassandra Sonitus herself. When she saw Samara, the witch let out a hysterical laugh. Sonitus walked up to the second woman, still laughing.

"Darling you called, so I came," she said in a half-whisper. "What have we got here, huh?"

The witch swiftly walked up to the other woman. She looked straight into Samara's focused, icy-blue eyes. The tension grew as Cassandra's hand suddenly found its way to Samara's and the dagger she held. At first, Sonitus only slightly grazed Jones' skin but the soft touch was enough to send shivers down her spine.

Not breaking eye contact Cassandra placed her hand on Samra's. The witch's touch was so freezing it made the younger woman feel like a knife made out of ice was cutting through her flesh. Sonitus ripped away the weapon from Jones' hand. "You won't be needing that."

"So you haven't come here to kill me, then?" Samara asked a glimpse of hope born in her mind.

"What kind of idiotic question is that?" the witch laughed once again. "Of course, I've come here to kill you. However, I won't tolerate a duel. If we're going to fight, we are going to do it the right way."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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