valentine's day

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In the early hours of the morning, Olivia walked around the table, pouring a steady stream of mini chocolate chips into each small bowl next to the kids' plates of heart-shaped pancakes. It was one of her favorite days of the year, and ever since Sienna could stomach solids, she and Spencer have honored it with their annual breakfast tradition. Pink and red flooded the Baker-James' kitchen and dining nook, ribbons attached to balloons fell from the ceiling, and everything Spencer cooked had somehow been managed to be shaped into a heart.

As she finished off the last bowl, the approaching steps caught her attention, and she turned to make sure it was just her husband coming back with whatever he said he was going to get.

He turned the corner and her heart melted at the sight of red petals.

Eyeing the expectant look on her face, Spencer shook his head. "These ain't for you, woman."

Confused, she set down the bag of chocolate and crossed her arms. "Where are mine then?"

His eyebrows shot up at her confidence. "Who said you getting flowers? Because last I remember, I asked you two weeks ago what you wanted for today, and you said, quote—'I have absolutely everything I need.'"

Olivia went quiet, burned by her own words, while across the table, Spencer positioned each of the three bouquets in front of his daughters' usual spots. Not once had he ever needed her input for a holiday gift. Not Valentine's Day,  not Christmas, not her birthday.

"Watch yourself, James," she teased.

But despite the slick comments, she couldn't help but smirk at how adorable he looked, arranging and rearranging the bouquets for his girls.

"Gotta make sure they're perfect," he mumbled, just as the first set of kids made their appearance downstairs.

Still in pajamas, Sienna led her younger sister through the kitchen towards the dining area. The little one clung onto her sister's hand until she caught sight of her mom. Then it was a dart across the kitchen to rush into Olivia's arms.

"Good morning, miss." The father's arm looped around his daughter's neck, pulling the freshly awoken teen into a suffocating hug. "Happy Valentine's Day."

A few disgruntled groans fell from Sienna's lips before she freed herself and followed the smell of her father's cooking. Her eyes landed on the pancakes, but quickly shifted up to the roses. A warmth radiated from her cheeks. Even at eighteen, her dad still had the power to make her blush.

Spencer slung an arm back over his daughter's shoulder. This time, more relaxed. "Now remember, who is your valentine this year?"

"Spencer," Olivia warned.

"Thank you, daddy." Sienna's slim arms wrapped around his torso as she buried a smile into his chest.

Proud of himself, Spencer smirked across the room at his wife.

Olivia shook her head. This was only the start of what was sure to be a day of her husband wooing and her daughters blushing. It was almost as if he wanted them to forget that any other men existed.

She shifted her focus to the one daughter she knew she stood a chance with.

"Happy Valentine's day, baby," the mother cooed, tucking a heart-patterned headband into her little girl's curls.

"Happy balentime's day, mama," Savannah whispered back sleepily as her head fell back onto her mom's chest.

Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Olivia squeezed her last baby, soaking in the sweet cuddles before the attitude and independence that she knew were coming kicked in.

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