another one

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Olivia brushed her thumb along the edge of the tight coils, caressing the soft skin at the base of her baby's neck. His little bright face shined up at her, his tiny fist tight around a crayon. He gave her a shy grin and wiggled closer into her side before focusing back on his masterpiece.


"Huh." She looked up at the table, at her sister-in-law and best friend. It was reaching that point where the hangout had lasted long enough. That time of day when she was ready to pack it up head back home.

Simone waved exaggerated palms at her. "Earth to Liv."

"I don't know how you do it," Kia said, watching Caleb steal peeks up at Olivia. "Most days I'm struggling with one."

Davita picked at the cold bread at the center of the table. "Me neither, girl. Me neither. And I don't have any."

"Spencer took over a huge load now that he's retired." Olivia nodded at Simone. "And family helps, of course."

Kia shook her head in disbelief. Her little girl was about to turn six, and the one and done mother felt like she had her hands full.

"Okay, enough kid talk," Simone interjected, "let's dive into this hot girl summer we're going to be having." She lassoed her hand in the air, giving her lifelong friends a knowing look. "Yeah? I'm thinking Turks and Caicos? Punta Cana?"

"Just tell me the price and the Venmo is sent," Davita chirped.

"Hm," Olivia hummed distractedly.

Simone's face dropped. "What do you mean... hm?!"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything."

"Olivia Baker-James, you better not tell me you're pregnant."

"I'm not!" She shot back, pulling up her four year-old as he crawled into her lap. He curled up into her chest, and her arms wrapped instinctively around him.

"Then where's the excitement?! I'm talking a full week. No kids. No husbands," looking at Davita, she added, "No wives. No phones."

Olivia tried throwing a little extra pep into her voice. "I'm excited!"

Caleb tugged at her sleeve. "Mommy, where's GiGi?"

"At home, baby."

"By herself?"

"No, with daddy, SiSi and Jax."

"Oh," he murmured, dropping his head back on her shoulder.

Kia pouted across the table. "Maybe I could handle one more. Darnell would love a boy."

"Aht!" Simone snapped. "Focus ladies!


"Mhm," Olivia hummed.

Simone forged on. "And don't be fooled by this one. There's a reason he's the one who usually gets to come along."

Kia, undeterred by Simone's words, leaned across the table. "How did y'all know you wanted another second child?"

Simone's eyes widened in desperation. "Ladies!"

Olivia shrugged. "Spencer always wanted multiple and I didn't want Sienna to be an only child, so it was an easy choice. And then we went for a third, and we all know how that turned out."

Kia hummed pensively. "Would you have another one?"

"She told us she was done after the twins," Simone reminded the table. "Four. That was the plan. Plan achieved. Now, let's focus on new plans."

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